Do guys call each other names and tease each other over ridiculous things?

Do guys call each other names and tease each other over ridiculous things?

I ask this because I saw a status posted last night which I commented on. The original poster made comment that his smoke alarm was out of battery and he was worried about sleeping through the night. My comment was, "Don't be a sissy." You can survive a night without a smoke alarm for one night.

His response was that he has a lot of items in his house which can spontaneously burst into flame such as glass-blowing equipment, welding and high-powered power supplies (for electronics, I assume). Fair enough.

However, a woman jumped in there and started calling me all sorts of troglodyte-type names because I told the OP not to be a sissy.

I explained to her that that's how guys are with each other, it's a bonding experience. But that didn't satisfy her, instead she came back and called me immature. I explained this was a social network and she needed to calm down, this is how men are social with each other. She called me more names an told me how I act with my friends isn't appropriate with how I act around people online, even going so far to assume I don't know the original poster in real life.

She then told me to "go away." Really? She expected me to simply "go away" because she didn't like me commenting in his post? Especially, when after all this back and forth he never addressed the "sissy" comment at all, either indicating that he shrugged it off or didn't think anything of it in the first place.

So, I had to explain to her that Public posts are open to public commentary and that this isn't LinkedIN, this is Google+, where a level of professionalism isn't automatically expected.

That all being said, we men tend to call each other names and tease each other as a bonding experience. I use such goodhearted ribbing to determine of someone is friendship material or just a friendly or business acquaintance. For example, just today I told the guy at Subway, who was dancing behind the counter, that I wasn't going to throw money at him. He said that was okay and gave me a free drink.

I know this behavior is real common with my guy friends, too. However, in the name being objective I post the question out to Google+land. Am I living in a like-minded bubble? Is it really a public faux-pas for one guy tease another?


Ralph Mendoza said…
You are a sissy for posting this ;)
That's the thing about the internet, there is no way for people to tell if it's a joke or not. I might have just let it go, but I don't think you did anything wrong by joking around
Jason ON said…
I thought so. I practically grew a vagina just thinking about it. :P
Will Pirnasch said…
I have often wondered about that, and I am now rather careful. I only make silly jokes, horse-play, and punch lines with people I know already and that know me, to avoid what you described. But I am rather extra careful to not (unnecessarily) step on others toes.
Trey Collier said…
LOL Oh my. Don't be a sissy! Tell her to butt out and go back to Facebook.
Will Pirnasch said…
It is a bit like starting a new job and there are all new people - you don't tell your lewd jokes the first day in there, right?
Jason ON said…
Good point, Will Pirnasch, but I didn't say anything to her specifically, it was to someone else I have had correspondence with.
Mark Swan said…
Blocked and reported for this estrogen fueled post. Lol
Shells Bells said…
Reported, flagged & nuked for lumping women in with that chick. Here's an appropriate ecard:
Brandy Ellis said…
Eh, if her issue was you using the term sissy, then maybe that word is more touchy for her. If her issue was that you called him a sissy, then I would have to assume that she is in fact friends with him and felt inclined to stand up for him. I've seen both happen.
IMHO you weren't off for joking around, and she wasn't off for calling you on something she perceived as offensive. Both stances being slightly warped.
However, to address the topic of your post, yes, my friends and I call each other totally stupid teasing names in our post comments. But, I have had times where I didn't know that someone was IRL friends and that they were joking. And I'm sure that plenty of comments we have made would seem very offensive to outsiders, but that's how we are.
Joe Gross said…
Working in the construction field I can say she would have left highly disappointed in the male of the species.
But that's what men do.
Jason ON said…
Brandy Ellis, I don't know if they're IRL friends or not. I know he lives here in Denver and she lives in Vancouver, BC as an ex-pat. According to her Profile, she has only lived on other place and that's in Kansas.

But out of the entire exchange, he never made issue of it, but she made it into a huge issue not even tackling the original subject matter of the post until later where her one comment was something along the lines of: he has reason to be worried.
Brandy Ellis said…
Out of curiosity, was he still responding to the post during this time, or could this have been perceived by her to be in his absence?
Jeff Creed said…
Calling him a sissy was absolutely off-base and wrong. You should have called him a lazy ass for not going to get another battery for the smoke detector.
Jason ON said…
Brandy Ellis, he popped in a couple of times to elaborate on why he was worried about being detectorless and once to say get back on subject. That was it.
Brandy Ellis said…
Yeah, at the point at which he showed he was present, all bets for her standing up on his behalf are off. I rescind my previous justification.
Brandy Ellis said…
Agreed, Alice Cabrera I may not like it, but the question was if I knew that people do it, and if I engage similarly. My friends don't use that particular genre of insult, but I would never say that the ones we do use are any less offensive to some people. So I know it is a common enough slang, and there are just so many that standing on the offensiveness of just one would be impossible.
Jason ON said…
But you're not a guy, Alice Cabrera.
Jason ON said…
So, somewhere along the lines she told me I couldn't call someone a sissy since I didn't know him IRL. Then he pops in and notes that he doesn't know her IRL, either. They're long time e-friends. Now, I have a couple of those and they're people I tease and give a hard time to. They either give it right back or "lol" the comment. It's all in fun.
Mark Swan said…
if the OP wasn't such a sissy, he should have jumped in and told that lady to chill because it was cool..
It is important not to fight the Colloquialism war. Stephen Fry had something to say about pedants of language and the futility thereof.

If you think you're going to make a difference and stop people from using terms you personally find offensive, you're totally a gay sissy.

The last sentence has 13% Sarcasm Content for the Sarcastic Intolerant.

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