So, Minnesota would rather people not be able to advance themselves without the officiating organization paying a fee, first? Do libraries have to pay a fee to lend books? Do documentaries put together by universities have to pay a fee first? If I move into the state and give away old college text books, do I have to pay a fee first?
+celine flato, for reals or are you messing with me?
As written, it is the pretty typical story of a talented young screwup who is pulled into a situation where he has to become responsible in order to succeed. It is ultimately the same same story as Top Gun or even the JJ Abbrams Star Trek, but it works well. The link to the game isn't too heavy handed.
Rotten Tomatoes shows that critics collectively gave it a 34% rating, but that the reporting audience gave it a 57% rating ( Still not great, but much better than one would have thought from the official reviews.
There was one part when trying to target the enemy craft that was a throwback to the game, but otherwise a decent enough summer movie. It got a little hokey when theu commandeered a true battleship, but otherwise, i'd give it a positive review.