So, I think a friend of mine, a fairly good friend, dropped me on Facebook over political differences.

So, I think a friend of mine, a fairly good friend, dropped me on Facebook over political differences. She still shows as a "friend" but when I view her profile there "is no information to share." When I view her Wall, there is "no information to see." And for someone who was always, always, on Facebook, I haven't seen her show up in the chat sidebar thing in quite some time. She doesn't show up as someone to "add" as a friend.

I may have to call her and see what happened.

From what I can recall, she as a manager (married to a partner) in a small business went on a tirade one day because they (and the business) had to pay taxes this year. She went off on Obama and democrats for raising taxes and creating a hostile environment for entrepreneurs. I countered with the fact that taxes are their lowest ever and that the Republicans control Congress and Congress controls taxes.

Haven't heard from her since.

We've debated political stuff superficially before and always disagree. She is against the Healthcare Act, OWS, privacy rights, etc. All things I have supported.


Sandy Schepis said…
Maybe she "restricted" you? One can do that on FB so folks can't see someone's main posts or photos, etc., but a few things still show up like if that person has commented on someone else's post(s). I've done that to a few busybodies who get on my nerves but I don't want to completely unfriend.
Check to see if she's still in your friends list. If not then she did unfriend you.
Marc Jansen said…
I had a similar incident happen. It turns out he'd moved me to a "special" group - one that didn't get to see any of his content.
Random Geek said…
Could be a drop, could be a glitch. I've occasionally taken people out of my main stream - whatever it's called - until they've tired of some pet topic. I don't actually drop them, I just don't see everything they post.

Maybe she did the same? Although if she did exactly what I did, you'd still see her posts and see her in chat.
Jason ON said…
I'm wondering if that's it. She shows up as a "friend" but I can't see anything on her Profile anymore. It's like I'm in a Timeout.

I rarely get on FB anymore, but still... I disagree with people's posts all the time and have never unfriended a Friend or put someone in Timeout.

Jason ON said…
Brian Wisti, I don't see her in chat nor her posts. I didn't even know Facebook had an option to remove friends from seeing your stuff on a per-friend basis.
And that's the right thing to do Jason ON . People are entitled to their opinions and by not blocking or unfriend them you show respect towards those peeps. pretty lame to run away from the truth like this
Random Geek said…
The partial lockout is a new thing to me. Seems excessive.
Jason ON said…
I remember the very first person I ever unfollowed/unfriended. I can't recall his name, but he was on Buzz and a raging Tea Bagger. I got tired of his nonsense. He never made an argument about his position and no matter how many facts and figures anyone else provided they were always wrong.

There have been a few on G+ that I've unCircled, mainly because they did not bring value to my stream (either nothing but reshares or just sharing the same content a dozen other people had already shared).
Brenda Curtis said…
yup, you can 'except' people. like public except for those on the list. Or you have been removed and it just hasn't been totally removed yet. Have you refreshed the page or logged out and back in? Silly I know but sometimes it helps.
She might not dislike you just not want to be subjected to your opinions. I've taken people off my list to preserve friendships. I like them just fine IRL but their posts make me think poorly of their inner workings and I just don't want to see it.
Jason ON said…
You've seen me on FB, Brenda Curtis, I never post anything too controversial. Our last conversation happened to be a disagreement on taxes. If I could see he wall, I'd copy and share it. She was blaming Obama for businesses not hiring people because people like her had to pay taxes and those taxes support unemployment. All I said was, she can't blame Obama because business aren't hiring, that's capitalism. If she wants to blame someone she should be blaming CEOs and the financiers not someone who doesn't have control over private businesses. I also noted that if she had a tax problem she should write her congressperson, not the president, since congress creates taxes, not the president. It's right there in the Constitution.
Brenda Curtis said…
true, but if I didn't like any of their thoughts I wouldn't be their friend or follow them in the first place. Usually there is at least one area that I think a person is a nitwit. If they harp on that one thing too often I don't want to read about it. Make sense? When I see them we would most likely talk about anything but that subject and everything would be fine.
Brenda Curtis said…
Hey Jason ON you could just ask her if there is a problem and if so how can you sort it out?
Theresa Reel said…
Maybe the person had their account locked as a security threat? I am not missing FB and their drama queen rules and regs

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