So, I think a friend of mine, a fairly good friend, dropped me on Facebook over political differences.
So, I think a friend of mine, a fairly good friend, dropped me on Facebook over political differences. She still shows as a "friend" but when I view her profile there "is no information to share." When I view her Wall, there is "no information to see." And for someone who was always, always, on Facebook, I haven't seen her show up in the chat sidebar thing in quite some time. She doesn't show up as someone to "add" as a friend.
I may have to call her and see what happened.
From what I can recall, she as a manager (married to a partner) in a small business went on a tirade one day because they (and the business) had to pay taxes this year. She went off on Obama and democrats for raising taxes and creating a hostile environment for entrepreneurs. I countered with the fact that taxes are their lowest ever and that the Republicans control Congress and Congress controls taxes.
Haven't heard from her since.
We've debated political stuff superficially before and always disagree. She is against the Healthcare Act, OWS, privacy rights, etc. All things I have supported.
I may have to call her and see what happened.
From what I can recall, she as a manager (married to a partner) in a small business went on a tirade one day because they (and the business) had to pay taxes this year. She went off on Obama and democrats for raising taxes and creating a hostile environment for entrepreneurs. I countered with the fact that taxes are their lowest ever and that the Republicans control Congress and Congress controls taxes.
Haven't heard from her since.
We've debated political stuff superficially before and always disagree. She is against the Healthcare Act, OWS, privacy rights, etc. All things I have supported.
Check to see if she's still in your friends list. If not then she did unfriend you.
Maybe she did the same? Although if she did exactly what I did, you'd still see her posts and see her in chat.
I rarely get on FB anymore, but still... I disagree with people's posts all the time and have never unfriended a Friend or put someone in Timeout.
There have been a few on G+ that I've unCircled, mainly because they did not bring value to my stream (either nothing but reshares or just sharing the same content a dozen other people had already shared).
She might not dislike you just not want to be subjected to your opinions. I've taken people off my list to preserve friendships. I like them just fine IRL but their posts make me think poorly of their inner workings and I just don't want to see it.