I love it when you're having a debate with someone and they give you their last jabs before blocking you or deleting...

I love it when you're having a debate with someone and they give you their last jabs before blocking you or deleting the thread.

Isn't that right, +greg laden? Who apparently blocked me because I said even Nazi's have a right to free speech. I wondered why I wasn't getting notifications of being plus-tagged.

Free speech means listening to those points of view you disagree with. "I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."


I really wish I could +him but I can't. Oh, well.


Jason ON said…
He is petitioning against a blog. Having a blog is not making anyone listen to you. Having a blog is a having a platform to express your ideas. And people have to come find your blog, you don't get to force it upon anyone.

Either you believe people have a right to speak their minds or you believe people only have a right to speak their minds when you find it agreeable.

I am an American. I've read the Constitution and Amendment I does not make any distinction distinctions between what kinds of speech are acceptable and what kinds are not. So, unless they are inciting violence or otherwise breaking the law, they have a right to express their opinions no matter how much the rest of us don't like it.

You know, much like Rick Santorum.

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