So, Sarah Hill posted a story about mothers who continue to breastfeed their children well past the age most in...

So, Sarah Hill posted a story about mothers who continue to breastfeed their children well past the age most in western society believes is acceptable.

My argument was that we shouldn't condemn one's choice based on cultural bias (although I didn't state it as succinctly as I just did).

Anywho, back and forth and back and forth with Mark Gesswein, who believes anything outside of what he considers "norm" is unacceptable and unnatural and we come to now. He gave no empiric data other than a few jabs at this practice being a gateway to child molestation and that once children have teeth they should be off the milk. Only now, the original post is closed to commenting.

I wanted to make my point (again) and show that anthropology actually supports my opinion. Not only that, but a multicultural view shows that many cultures continue to breastfeed much later than the average American family.

So, I found this and wanted to post it in response but, as I stated earlier, the post was closed to comments.

Again, I'm not parent, nor am I an anthropologist. I am however open minded.

[edited to correct grammar]


Sarah Hill said…
Thanks Jason ON ! I will re-enable the comments so you can post that. My apologies about that. I so appreciate you weighing in. :)
Jason ON said…
I just thought since the Hangout was over the post was closed to further comments. However, I wasn't done with the conversation. ;)

Thanks, Sarah Hill.
Sarah Hill said…
you betcha... the convo never ends anymore Jason ON even when we're off the air. LOL :)
Jason ON said…
I will close this one and go back to the original. If anyone wants to weigh in, meet us over there.

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