Then I will not fly Delta anymore. I can't do anything less with the Catholic Church than I already do.

Then I will not fly Delta anymore. I can't do anything less with the Catholic Church than I already do.

Originally shared by Exposing Political Corruption In America


Rich LaDuca said…
If Stewart plays this right... He could mock Deltas decision by pointing out that the fringe group that threatened Delta with a boycott is not his audience...

John: "No hard feelings Delta... I hope my audience doesn't contact you threatening a boycott you because you decided to validate a small groups righteous indignation. I'm certain that my audience is smarter than that."
Thomas Lawson said…
Jimmy Fallon has been mocking Delta for months. It must score high with the demos. Ergo, Delta is anti-youth and anti-women. Their kowtowing to the Holy See makes perfect sense.

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