Not a bad quiz.

Not a bad quiz. Fairly accurate in it's breakdown of my answers. Go ahead and take it, you get your own results URL to share with.


Kryptyk Physh said…
OK, that's actually pretty cool. Useful. Hrm. I'd be interested in doing one for the UK, but couldn't prevent myself from being sarcastic.
Brandi Bennett said… said I would vote for Romney. Oh dear.
Brenda Curtis said…
I got Jimmy McMilliam? WHO? LOL!
He doesn't believe in Stem cell research so that's a deal breaker.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, there were a couple I'd never heard of either, Brenda Curtis.
Romney 100% , Obama 0%
Jason ON said…
I ended up writing in most of my answers.
Noble said…
I side with someone named Kent Mesplay --no clue either.
98% Gary Johnson 93% Ron Paul 21% Obama
It says I support the green party candidates, then the libertarian candidate, and only side with obama 71%. Really if you ask me I'd think it would be quite a bit less than that.

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