While you were sleeping watching the clown show known as Trump, Indiana was busy making abortion illegal.

While you were sleeping watching the clown show known as Trump, Indiana was busy making abortion illegal. Read the article, it's worse than you think.


Sal Gallo said…
It just goes to show how warped some ideas are. Since when is preventing a human life from being destroyed a bad thing? Abortion is so accepted..some people are completely oblivious and decensetized..if we were talking about dolphins it would be different. I mean 1.6 million abortions speaks volumes on society especially women but not just women
Risa Wood said…
Gee, thanks Dr . Pence 😠😠😠
Jason ON said…
Sal Gallo, I don't think anyone wants to see life destroyed, but we're not talking about that. We're talking about people taking decision-making power away from individuals.
Johnnie Angel said…
Anyone wanna bet the Funeral home Lobby was behind part of this deal?
Sal Gallo said…
Who's rights? Did you read the bill? Since when does freedom of choice include terminating human life or killing almost babies? For anybody.
Furthermore the social engineers are concerned with giving exclusive rights to women which is anti constitutional..anti social. Men and children have rights no?
Sal Gallo said…
Apart from extenuating circumstance abortion in principle is wrong because it kills human life. It's not a right
Jason ON said…
Actually, until the fetus is born it's not a child, it's a parasite. And one could argue it's a parasite after it's born, as well. Regardless, until it's born it's not an independent life but a part of the mother.

Freedom of choice means exactly that, being able to make decisions on behalf of yourself for your [and here I'm going to quote a famous document] ...pursuit of happyness.
Good ol' Sal Gallo, demanding his "right" to take away womens' bodily autonomy and choice of actions. Slavery much, Sal? [ETA: Oh, and I missed the "almost babies" thing above, ROTFL. Horseshoes and hand grenades, guy!]
Sal Gallo said…
A parasite..like you? What ridiculous comment. typical.
Let's bring everyone down o molecular level so we can kill them..that makes sense. Let's start with you.
Sal Gallo said…
When a pregnant women gets killed the purp is charged with two murders. Is someone only human if they are loved or wanted by a woman?
Sal Gallo said…
In today's information age some people are intellectual zombies. Unable to decipher fact from fiction or have any deductive abilities.
Sal Gallo said…
Greg you keep claiming falsehoods to justify killing and discrimination. When a woman consents to sex it's her choice no one else. She can keep her body it's the child I'm concerned about and frankly so should you. Constantly referring to the fetus as a woman's body is ridiculous and misleading. Men have biological rights to the fetus and a woman has an obligation to the biological father and the human life..whether you like it or not
Sal Gallo Still waiting for any proof of these "falsehoods" and "discrimination" - unless you were referring to your own content, of course.

Yet again sounds like you need to look up the definition of "child" - and also realize that whatever "obligation" you think the woman has, it does not include her body and her rights to it. Sorry.
Sal Gallo said…

You know the information age is great..however it also created information zombies..people who can't decipher fact from fiction or have any deductive powers.
Sal Gallo said…
I need to prove that men have biological rights that are being denied? Do I need to prove that A fetus has a right to life? Do I need to prove that the fetus is an integral being.
Ask yourself this.. why is it that when a pregnant women gets killed the purp is charged with two crimes?
When a woman consents to sex it's her choice..no one else. Her obligation and responsibility is based on her choice.
Greg I don't think you would see common sense if it hit you in the face.
It helps to have an independent mind you soon find the proper perspective
edward abbey said…
Separation of church and State hard for you to comprehend. You are entitled to your belief but not forcing it down others throats.You fear Sharia law I fear your religiouse beliefs equally.
Sal Gallo said…
Church? What a ridiculous comment. Does one have to be religious to know human biology or be humane.
Sal Gallo said…
I'm not even religious..you are so clueless you think people will stand around while children are being destroyed?
Sal Gallo said…
Maybe if it was dolphins or seals we were talking about some people would get it.
edward abbey said…
According to your religious beliefs.But I do not subscribe to your religion and that is why we are supposed to have separation church and state.
Sal Gallo So you haven't checked the definition of "children" then, yet? Hint: you're not using the word correctly. Plus you're still trying to replace womens' bodily autonomy with your control. That "s-word" is rearing its head again...!

Plus that "information zombies" thing is pretty funny - where are you copying and pasting it from? You've done it twice just in this thread, if you hadn't noticed. Time for a little Google searching...
Sal Gallo said…
If a pregnant woman gets killed the purp is charged with two murders. How dense do you have to be not to get it. The social engineers have done a really good job on some people.
Sal Gallo And now you've pasted the "purp"[sic] thing twice too. [ETA: Whoa, three times, actually.] Did you look into how many states actually do that? Hint again: it's not a federal thing. (Plus you might want to check how you're abbreviating "perpetrator" - hint again, "purp" means something else.)
Sal Gallo said…
If you think you can force your ridiculous inhumane values on people you got another thing coming. It's not an accident that Trump is winning. But of course you would have to be astute to notice that.
Sal Gallo Winning what? He hasn't actually participated in any contests except against other Republicans yet. He'll be stomped in the general election and the GOP will go down with him (if it hasn't already gone by then from infighting).

And who's forcing "ridiculous inhumane" values on people? You're the one insisting on taking over control of womens' bodies, remember?
Sal Gallo said…
Again saying falsehoods..what does a woman's right to her body have to do with killing human life?
Sal Gallo said…
It's interesting how people aways argue woman's rights as if only women want abortions.
Sal Gallo said…
I never heard of anyone having a right to kill..except from extreme social engineers

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