

Be back in a couple of hours.


Jason ON said…
For what it's worth, it was good. Had the same "feel" to it as Man of Steel which is natural considering both films had the same production teams and director.

Is it going to win any awards? Probably not. But it was a fun movie that didn't really ignore anyone.

There is one point eight before the fight between B and S that should have happened differently and the ending wasn't a surprise for anyone who knows anything about the source material.

Ben Affleck has no reason to be sad.
April Benney said…
More like be back in a few hours lol. I saw that this afternoon & didn't know it was a 3hr movie. And my group wanted to be at the theatre 1.5hrs early to wait in line so we could get good seats. So I wasted 4.5hrs at the theatre today, when I really didn't have the time for it because I have a ton of homework to do. It was an ok movie but nothing special. Well put together but my boyfriend pretty much predicted the entire movie before we even saw it so nothing about it surprised me.
Jason ON said…
You BF ruined it for you? That sucks. He should have let you watch it and develop your own opinion.
April Benney said…
Well I didn't really know the background story of the characters so he was filling me in on that, and then mentioned some characters he thought the previews had hinted about and said how he thought the movie was going to go. If he hadn't of filled me in I may not have understood the movie as well and there were a few times during it that I had to ask him what something meant or what was going on. Overall it was a good movie but nothing spectacular. And I was also in a pretty bad mood when I saw it so I'm sure that played a part in me feeling so blah about it.
Bodhipaksa said…
I was thinking of going to that one tonight, but my friend didn't want to so we saw Cloverfield Lane instead. It's well worth watching.
April Benney said…
I saw the previews of Cloverfield Lane & I think it looks good! Glad to hear a good review of it :)
Jason ON said…
I've heard Cloverfield Lane is amazing.
Bodhipaksa said…
Words like "freaking" and "amazing" spring to mind, April Benney. John Goodman's performance is stunning, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead masterfully combines vulnerability with kick-ass action.
Pablo H. said…
Cloverfield Lane is unexpectedly entertaining with a twist... go check it out if you haven't yet.
We hated Cloverfield Lane.

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