Trump is going international! Relations, that is. Trump - T. The Washington Hillbillies!

Trump is going international! Relations, that is. Trump - T. The Washington Hillbillies!


I don't think I want to look.
Kristi S. said…
Trump knows nothing on foreign policy and obviously his so called expert advisors pretty WEAK! We're in trouble if he wins
Kristi Stannard WW3 the Armageddon will begins if Trump wins
Rand said…
Hillary = Isis is coming to a place near you....
Peter Sr. said…
The KKK flag would be more appropriate, as a background:O)
Peter Sr. said…
Why that is mighty WHITE of you:O)
Kristi S. said…
JTS S typical bigot trump supporter.
Peter Sr. said…
No thanks, I'm happy being a Hispanic;O)
And Please, don't give me this shit about this was your white land first:O)
Peter Sr. said…
Sal Monella
Next to you, and your White Fat Pig leader, YES!
John Davis said…
Peter Sr. Why is that mighty to play the race card when you lose an argument.
John Davis said…
Kristi Stannard Just say you are a Hillary supporter. Hillary is a corporate puppet. HILLARY WAS horrible with foreign policy.
John Davis said…
Peter Sr. Hispanic is white and so is the language you speak.
Peter Sr. said…
John Davis
Really, you have to ask that damn question?
Your White Fat Pig leader, is the one that is using the RACE CARD'S; fascism, Anti-feminism who judges them by their looks, and spews out nothing but racial rhetoric right along with violence at his KKK rallies:O)
Did I miss any of his RACE CARD's?
O almost forgot, hates Mexican illegals, but using them, in his sweat shops to create his so call Trump Line products, and sells them to his own White People at 500% over cost:O)
Now who is the damn fool:O)
John Davis said…
Peter Sr. GO GET an education. You are creating lies created by the liberal media that brainwashes people for corporate control. Everything you said about Trump is a lie. When in doubt, play the race card.

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