What happens when you get a bunch of entitled people who have never been told "no" gathered together for a Easter...

What happens when you get a bunch of entitled people who have never been told "no" gathered together for a Easter Egg hunt?


Jack Carlson said…
Parents like these are why we can't have nice things.
Hugh Smith said…
Wow what a great example of NOT taking responsibility for your actions. The fact that people all acted like assholes was because there were not enough staff.
Hey assholes stop pushing kids and take responsibility for your own actions
Should have had parents caged during the event... The kids would have had a blast!
Julie Hayward said…
I can't believe the parents are blaming the company when they were clearly at fault by NOT following the rules set out and choosing by their own accord to just do as they please. What was the company suppose to do? Call a S.W A.T. team in?? The parents, and the parents ALONE, ruined this event for EVERY person there; not the company. Wow. Talk about not taking responsibility and looking for scapegoats.
Jason ON said…
Hugh Smith, so you're saying people need overlords to keep them in line?
Olaf Fichtner said…
Jason ON some apparently do. Probably the same people who ignore warning labels and then want to sue...
Julie Hayward said…
Jason ON I THINK what Hugh Smith​ meant was that the parents took advantage of the fact that there wasn't a large staff on site and chose to ignore the rules. Although I think Olaf Fichtner​ makes a valid point too. LOL
Jason ON said…
Which is another way of saying that people need overlords to keep them in line, Julie Desilets​.
Olaf Fichtner said…
Jason ON not all, but some do.
Hugh Smith said…
Jason ON No that is not what I meant. People here blamed the lack of Staff for the bad behavior. My point is you should not need staff or authoritative figures to stop you being an asshole and pushing kids over. Take personal responsibility and stop being an asshole....

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