Even though I'm supporting Bernie Sanders I've had to defend Hillary a few times from Bernie supporters.

Even though I'm supporting Bernie Sanders I've had to defend Hillary a few times from Bernie supporters. While I didn't put my thoughts as collectively as this article does, I have made similar points here and there throughout the interwebz.

It all boils down to walking in another wo/man's shoes. Until you've lived their life, experienced their hardships, it's pretty ignorant to call people names.

Unless it's Trump. He's fair game. Or Cruz. Oh, hell, unless it's any or the wackados on the Right.


Ward A said…
Yeah I'm not going to shit on Hillary. I don't have an issue with her, really... I mean she's done some things that I don't like, like Obama. I just prefer Sanders. We can't act like the Republicans right now even if it's good for ratings.
Amy Rothstein said…
I am for Sanders because of campaign financing. Also fracking and medical insurance, so, back to campaign financing. I hope that's not considered shitting on Hillary, but I know it is, by some, because it could be used by Republicans if Hillary wins the nomination. Which I assume she will.
John Hardy said…
None of the Republican candidates want to do anything about climate change. Not one of them admits that its human caused. Global warming is the single greatest threat to human civilisation and yet none of the conservatives in the US want to take a sensible position. All of the Democratic candidates have recognised the problem and want to do something about it. We really need some action taken on this issue in the next four years. Only a Democratic president, Leftist or Centrist, will be able to deliver that action.
Lorne Thomas said…
See, I knew you were a ultra left wing democrat/socialist.

It is funny that you would defend this woman who has stood against civil rights in the 60's, stood agains MLK. Who was thrown off of the Watergate commission for being less than honest, and let's face it, she is always getting cough up in a lie every turn of the page.

As a registered Democrat in the state of California, and a member of organized labor in good standing,  I'm voting Bernie or I'm voting Republican.
John Hardy said…
A vote for any Republican is far worse than voting for the worst Democrat. In fact it's completely stupid.
Lorne Thomas said…
It is not a race to the bottom, any Republican would be better than Hillary.
John Hardy said…
No, that's simply wrong. I remember this bullshit in 2000. The world got saddled with Dubya, the worst president of all time.
Lorne Thomas said…
Clinton will take the crown from W, if you suckers are foolish enough to let her.
John Hardy said…
OK vote for Trump or Cruz or whatever. You get a vote, I don't, but the world will have to live with the consequences.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason Wellband, you don't read too much, do you? The Clinton pathological lying started way back during the Watergate commission, which she got thrown off of. And that was just after she was actively supporting anti civil rights politicians.
John Hardy said…
Because Republicans are so pro-civil rights and African Americans hate to vote for Hillary. That's why she was totally decimated in States with large African American populations. Republicans also never do anything to try to restrict or impede voting by African Americans.

Lorne Thomas said…
John Hardy not a Turnbull fan I see you drink the koolaid as well and don't bother to read the history books. What a sad sad individual. It's the liberal democrats like you who make actual liberal democrats look bad.
John Hardy said…
It's you Lorne Thomas​ who has no knowledge. Zero. None.
Lorne Thomas said…
So explain to me how Hillary was supporting the civil rights movement in the last century? or how about how under the Clinton administration incarceration of minorities escalated to new record levels? Can you tell me about Super Predators? Or does none of that ring any bells? 

You sir, are an idiot. Go and get educated.
John Hardy said…
I told you, Sir, already to go and vote for Ted Cruz or Donald Trump if Bernie Sanders doesn't win the nomination. You think they are less bad than Clinton** and that they will be more progressive when it comes to policies regarding the African Americans? That, Sir, is an interesting position to take but apparently not one that is shared by the people you are speaking about.

** who we can agree is the least progressive Democratic candidate,
Lorne Thomas said…
John Hardy not a Turnbull fan that is not an answer to the question asked. But I guess you can't answer the question, with out admitting Clinton is a sociopathic monster.
John Hardy said…
I'm willing to admit that Clinton is the worst Democratic candidate. I'll go a lot further and say that she's war hawk who is likely to draw the US into yet another war of choice for no good reason. That said though, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump both represent a far greater threat to the continuation of civilization on this planet. Neither of them accepts that the planet is cooking in the industrial stew created by human beings or that we need to do something pretty damn fast if we want to keep temperatures from running out of control.

Every Democratic candidate for the past two decades has acknowledged this threat and promised to take action. The Republicans have only offer to repudiate any international deal and to go further and abolish the EPA and stop climate research. If I had a vote I would vote on that issue alone.

To call Clinton a sociopath and a "monster" and then not acknowledge the genuinely scary narcissistic and psychopathic nature Ted Cruz, theocrat and genuinely fucked up guy, let alone the Hitler-esque demagoguery and thuggish hooliganism of Donald Trump strikes me as a wee bit ridiculous. I support Bernie Sanders for the nomination but will always prefer a Democrat, even a Clinton, over the swill that the Grand Ole Party is offering, especially as it is currently in the process of self-destructing.
Lorne Thomas said…
I win, you brought Hitler to the party, ha ha ha.
John Hardy said…
Not really but then I wouldn't expect you to get it. Godwin was referring to glib or trivial comparisons to Hitler. Trump however is actually advocating genuinely fascist policies.
Lorne Thomas said…
So your saying that trump is a socialist? Your on drugs.
John Hardy said…
OK I see now that you are a special kind of idiot.
Lorne Thomas said…
You don't know what a Nazi is, apparently. And you call me an idiot? Loser.
John Hardy said…
End of conversation.
Lorne Thomas said…
What's wrong? Packing up your toys and going home because you are starting to feel dumb? Well. Too bad. Vote #bernie2016 or vote #republican2016. Forget that Hillary, leave her at the curb like the trash she is.

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