Would you like, or use, a HUD on your bike?

Would you like, or use, a HUD on your bike? Or, would it be too much of a distraction when so many other things require your attention?


Marc Ritchie said…
We glance at our speedometer, fuel and other gauges, why not? As long as we're not using it like a TV, things like temperature, heading, arrival time, traffic, etc, can be beneficial and enhance the ride. .02.
Will Munck said…
I'd totally use it.
Mario RJ Corbin said…
I can see many people dying (or worse) because of this technology. I don't think the majority of people would be mature enough in general to know when to use it and when not to. Just look at the state of cell phone use and cagers. Just my two cents.

Can't see why not. I already pretty much have anything a hud could offer displayed on the touch screen.
Yes.  Those in the motorcycle rally or long distance scene would love this possibility.  The cost to make this an option, however, may make the whole point moot in the grand scheme of things.
May not be useful in daylight.
Olaf Fichtner said…
Hard to say, haven't tried. It would have to be very simply structured, considering what surprises our traffic holds.
looking closer at the animation on this post.  It shows an outgoing call being made.

I know that's technically possible, and even that with a headset I could do it on the existing HD hardware.  WHY?!?!?!

When I'm on my bike, I don't WANT calls, and I certainly don't MAKE calls.  If I have something to say, or see a missed call, I'll pull over and deal with it.  maybe.

Most likely the best I can promise is that you'd hear from me from the next rest stop.
Sash Walker said…
I do NOT want to see who's calling, texting or emailing when I'm riding. I usually turn my phone off when I'm riding, unless I'm going to need to look at the GPS. Then I write directions on the side of my windshield with a dry erase marker. It wipes right off. 
The more gadgets I have, the more that can go wrong. I like simplicity. I don't even have a gas gauge!
Sash Walker The vast majority of motorcyclists would agree, including me.
Now, with that stated, I recently added BlueTooth capability to my bike.  I've had the phone accessible for a while now.  Again, I still have full control over the buttons on that device, including the most important, the OFF button.
Tim Sawatzky said…
I ride to avoid all the incoming info. Way too distracting. I just want time, speed, tach, and maybe temp would be nice.
Tim Sawatzky​ most of the time I'd agree. Once in a while, the GPS feature comes in handy as well.
Michael Meyer said…
In heavy traffic no. But every where else yes
Olaf Fichtner said…
Btw, I really like the GMaps+earphone solution. No need to look at anything, the friendly voice in your head will tell you when to turn...

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