Have you heard? The GOP doesn't even like Donald Trump.
Have you heard? The GOP doesn't even like Donald Trump.
She supported Goldwater in High School. When she was old enough to vote she switched parties.
She was on the commission that helped to impeach Nixon. Go ahead bring it up.
But if you are against lies and rumormongering check snopes.
Hillary Not fired from Watergate Comission
Bernie not going to be able to get any of his proposals through Congress. He will still be a good check against the Plutocracy. But the main fight Bernie has will be fought on the Supreme Court.
Hillary is likely to appoint Justices equally as progressive.
Trump doesn't lie rarely, he lies constantly, and the media doesn't fact him.
We could fill Books with lies just this campaign.
From a Very Prominent Bernie Supporter on Trumps lies
"He lies like nobody is fact-checking"
Regarding the Libya comment: in context, Clinton was referring to the fact that her State Department chose a non-military solution to oust Qaddafi. She was explaining how her department's solution didn't involve boots on the ground and a prolonged battle. Were her words unfortunate? Taken or of context, sure.
As for Bernie Sanders standing behind her. Nothing there days he was involved in the day-to-day of trying to crest a healthcare law, only that he supported it. The fact is that single image only shows you that single moment, not the months or years leading up to it. It doesn't show you the hundreds or thousands of hours spent developing a policy, lobbying Congress and the American people to push it through. It doesn't even show three second before or the second after the image. I have an idea, why don't you think back to a time 22 years ago when you were in a room with dozens of people and name them all.
In 1994 I was in the Army. I can't even name the people in my squad or my roommates. I might not even be able to pick them out of a line up.
You seem to be under some misunderstanding that a presidential candidate must be perfect. Pro tip: no one's perfect. And yet you day you'd rather vote for Trump, so we know it's not that you feel Clinton lies to much, since Trump lies repeatedly. Maybe you just don't like women, Lorne. I don't know.
You made a ridiculous claim, that Trump is more honest. That you can only pick out just a few random things from a decades length career as a lawyer and politician, suggest she's fairly honest.
We can list hundreds of Trumps ( recent ) lies. The problem is knowing when to start. He's a scam artist.
He lies constantly about his net worth. He lies constantly about Going Bankrupt. He's defrauded scores of people over decades. Trump University= total scam.
He even lied about Trump Steaks. They went out of business in 2009 a decade ago. There isn't any. Tell you what. Instead of linking to when Trump lies, how about you linking to a Single speech Trump makes that doesn't score "Pants On Fire" from Politifact. Just once.
Defend your candidate. Go find us a time when he tells the truth.Ever. Or even just a half-truth
Or even just a quarter-truth.
He's just completely full of shit.
With literally everything he says.
What's comical is that you are complaining about dishonesty, but have the temerity to stigmatize fact-checking. Its "knee-Jerk" to fact-check?
( Want to avoid reality's liberal bias ?)
But most of Trumps lies are so insanely bullshit, off the charts you don't need a journalism degree to see the bullshit. You need a shovel.
Trump pretends to be a big shot Manhattan Developer. Its bullshit. Its as obvious bullshit as believing him when he says "Nobody loves the Bible better than me". Not even the Pope?
Empty lies . Hes also never even built a single Sky Scraper in Manhattan. Never. It literally never happened.
He's not even a builder! He licenses his name to shifty companies. That's it.
If you believe a word out of Trumps mouth .... Then you've got the market on Kool-aid cornered; which you are selling out of Tool Shed.
Trumps Pants on Fire 2015
On the Right
And misspeaking, really? I thought you were at least marginally intelligent.
You would support a politician who Misspeaks so frequently and about such obvious things? How about the Benghazi testimony, all that was misspeaks or was it highlighting lots of past misspeaks?
Saying the wrong thing, that isn't the truth, is called lying. Sorry. She is pathological about it. It's #bernie2016 or #republican2016
mr michael .c nerger
yes votes 100
Its public record. He held down Ivana, forced her to have sex and ripped her hair out.
pensacolsa fl
yes votes 100