The #GOP is going on yet another witch hunt.

The #GOP is going on yet another witch hunt. This time not directed at Planned Parenthood, but at the organizations and people Planned Parenthood has dealt with over the years.


Is there no stopping the insanity that is the GOP?! I'm so sick and tired of these losers trying to impose their morality on women.
Olaf Fichtner said…
And they still get elected...?
Jason ON said…
Yes, Olaf Fichtner, because they're appealing to their Christian Right base.
Jerry Leal said…
Planned tyranthood is OBSESSED in mutilating a living being solely for the bottom DIME.
Jason ON said…
Jerry Leal you sound stupid. Are you stupid?
Jason ON said…
Jean Louiseجينلويزدالاقألا Dell'Aquila, what do you mean? Maybe the translation is incorrect. What does "inhumane and Darwin" mean?

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