Speaker Boehner deemed the voice vote a yes, though, and the rules were adopted.

Speaker Boehner deemed the voice vote a yes, though, and the rules were adopted. As some delegates would later complain, the official teleprompter even scripted Boehner saying the "ayes have it" before the vote occurred (the moment was caught on tape).

Is this was Trump was alluding to when he said there would be riots if he didn't win the nomination? Is he worried the GOP establishment will try to wrangle the nomination from him and that's why he's threatening cautioning violence? After a surprising campaign season, will this year's GOP committee tear the Republican party asunder?

No matter what happens, it will be interesting to watch.


Lorne Thomas said…
With the Democratic party doing every thing it can to put Hillary in the race and it's blind refusal to acknowledge that Mr. Sanders is a better candidate by every measure, I am not surprised that the Republicans are doing the same thing. But it is funny because both sides have spoiler candidates, but the Democrats have had a better time getting rid of who they don't want the public voting for.
Jason ON said…
Oh, I agree. This same thing is playing out in the Democratic field, but it's more fun to speculate at the demise of the Republican party than imagine people actually dislike Bernie Sanders.
Lorne Thomas said…
You know that Bernie is fracturing the Democratic party. The party supports Hillary, but Bernie supports the traditional party ideals, some thing the "New Democrats" want to leave behind in a new world of big government, big corporations, big profit and no accountability for their actions.

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