So, I just received this very unwanted SMS message from whoever these people are. Is there a way to block this?

So, I just received this very unwanted SMS message from whoever these people are. Is there a way to block this?


Try the menu area to block it.
Jason ON said…
Apparently it's a legitimate app, but I can't for the life of me figure out why I'm getting SMSs from them since I've never downloaded or used the service. Heck, before I received this message, I'd never hear of QLess.
Amy Rothstein said…
Someone with a phone number just one digit different from yours is the actual customer. Just a guess.
Jason ON said…
Maybe, but I have to believe the app read the number associated with the phone, thus negating any fat-fingered slip-ups.
Jason ON said…
That seemed to work, Alex Shull. Thanks!

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