After counting the votes for our Profile Picture contest we had a tie.

After counting the votes for our Profile Picture contest we had a tie. For the first time in years, two photos had an even number of votes:

This one: at 14.

And this one: also at 14.

Since the moderation staff couldn't decide which photo was better, I had no choice but to default to section 6 of the contest rules:

6] Ties will be decided by the moderation staff and if we can't decide, well, I'll use a picture of my feet. Yes, I have pictures of my feet.

You're welcome.

Photo: me and Steve Johnson


Mike ValknWing said…
Short of pulling my picture, I happily and without remorse abdicate my tie to Sash Walker​ in the interest of good community relations and the sincere hope that I don't ever have to see the feet that belong to the individual pictured here. May god have mercy on us all 😅
Mike ValknWing said…
Crap I'm too late. And now I'm blind...
Sash Walker said…
Awww, very sweet of you Mike ValknWing​! And I've seen his feet. Well, I've seen his boots. . . 😉
Mike ValknWing said…
Sash Walker did you type something, I can't tell because I'm bismuth hankover wellsdry blind and squishing beanpod creamcheese relying on houndstooth raptorious groundsquirell spell check to anklebiter tastes purple reply. I need an optometrist...
Will Munck said…
....... Mother of God....
Oh the humanity! The feet! Those funky feet!!!! Please?!!! For the love of all things holey, like cheese & collanders can we get some censorship on those piglets?! Lol.
Mike ValknWing said…
My spe)) ch€ck ith :-D€@d
Jason ON said…
My eyes are watering I'm laughing so hard. :D
Is it laughing or crying Jason ON  ??

Think we all might be crying with those feetz, man!  :/
Jason ON said…
Hey! I have to live with those!
Sash Walker said…
So, we have to live with the feet for 3 months?
I say we have another submission timeframe if the feet are a tie breaker.....
Jason ON said…
And let this be a reminder, next time we have one these, you guys need to vote. :P
Mike ValknWing said…
It is kind of a shame that the total number of votes for the 2 pics represent only about 2.5% of the number of members here. Hope everyone is too busy riding?
Sash Walker said…
Agreed Mike ValknWing​! It seems like less and less people participate in most of the conversation here.
Jason ON said…
I think less people are using G+. Hopefully with the northern hemisphere warming up we'll see some more action in this Community.
Will Munck said…
I know I've been pretty dormant just because of the season... But hey.. Nothing like a sweet feet pic to get me running back.

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