
Showing posts from December, 2015

This might have been the first episode of The Twilight Zone I ever saw.

This might have been the first episode of The Twilight Zone I ever saw. I was probably less than 10 - I really don't remember. What I do recall is the ending. I haven't played with a toy phone without thinking of this episode in all the years since.

The plan will definitely bottleneck the system.

The plan will definitely bottleneck the system. Maybe that's the endgame, to make sure the gun buying process is so slow most people won't bother. I'd much rather the President wave his executive wand at the TSA and fix that broken system.



I first watched the video of Lucas talking to Charlie Rose a few days ago and immediately jumped on the "white...

I first watched the video of Lucas talking to Charlie Rose a few days ago and immediately jumped on the "white slavers" comment. I'm really surprised Disney hasn't lashes out at Lucas for that comment since they're the epitome of brand consciousness. #StarWars

Ah, Florida. You never cease to amuse.

Ah, Florida. You never cease to amuse. More:

When it happens to you, the commoner, it's a necessary component in ensuring a working "free" democracy, but when it...

When it happens to you, the commoner, it's a necessary component in ensuring a working "free" democracy, but when it happens to congresspersons or Israeli leaders, suddenly warrantless wiretaps are unConstitutional. Who would have thought it? via Ryan Petrain Originally shared by Abraham Williams

Everyone else is doing it, why can't I?

Everyone else is doing it, why can't I? Oddly, he's my least favorite character in the entire series. I don't know why people like him so much. And Boba Fett isn't "dark side." He's a libertarian. #StarWars #BobaFett

#PSA for those of you who might come into contact with this app.

#PSA for those of you who might come into contact with this app. Originally shared by iquanyin so this Android app just starts texting random Android users. I reported it to google after it texted me.

My #Moto360 came today!

My #Moto360 came today! Yay! Now it's charging as I research places to have the additional links added to the band.

You like pizza! You like motorcycles! Guess what? Some genius combined the two for your pleasure!

You like pizza! You like motorcycles! Guess what? Some genius combined the two for your pleasure!

For those of you who missed it yesterday, #StarWars as seen by a newbie for the first time.

For those of you who missed it yesterday, #StarWars  as seen by a newbie for the first time.  While I dislike her interpretation, she does have a couple of funny moments. Murder bears! Originally shared by Yonatan Zunger Someone who has never seen Star Wars before watches the three originals and live-tweets them. The results are pretty goddamned hilarious. For one thing, I now appreciate Ewoks far more than before: "Lots of space teddy bears with weapons wearing bones and the skins of their victims." Episodes 5 and 6 are at and , respectively. Via Bridget Spitznagel.

Great article on the bubbles and spheres of influence religions and churches can have on your life.

Great article on the bubbles and spheres of influence religions and churches can have on your life.  Yes. It was a long journey. Twelve years ago, I separated from my Promise Keeper husband. He had been violent toward me, but when he turned that on our kids, it was over for me. I found myself strapped financially, and in desperation I went to the benevolence committee at my church and asked for $600 to help pay the bills. This was a huge, successful mega-church, and the benevolence committee was their mechanism for helping members in need. The committee—all men—said they needed to pray about my request, and that regardless I needed to go to counseling about how to be a more godly wife so that I could lead my husband back to Christ through my submissiveness. They said this even though they knew he was physically abusive. Then, after praying, they let me know that Jesus wasn’t keen on them giving me the money.

So, I had a long well thought out post typed up earlier explaining my position and how I plan to go forward.

So, I had a long well thought out post typed up earlier explaining my position and how I plan to go forward. For some reason Google wouldn't post it. I let the little spinning wheel turn, turn and turn for nearly an hour before finally refreshing the tab and losing everything. Gah! I can't recall the words or how I phrased everything, but the gist was this: 1 - Google changed their UI/UX for the Plus. 2 - In doing so, they messed with Profiles. 3 - Since this is a closed community where potential members have to be approved, the moderation staff generally peruse all the Profiles of potential members weeding out spammers, link dumpers and non motorcycle riders. 4 - The new [lack of] Profiles severely limits how we can determine the validity of Profiles. 5 - I was waiting for Google to sort out Profiles before verifying and admitting the "waiting list." 6 - We can't make them wait forever. 7 - So, We're going to start going through the waiting list and hope ther...

If you're Irish and you know it, clap your hands.

If you're Irish and you know it, clap your hands.

Do you think Facebook's Messenger can make other apps, including Google, obsolete?

Do you think Facebook's Messenger can make other apps, including Google, obsolete? Personally, I don't think the author has much experience with Now where you can already send a message, check email and other things. Not sure about ordering an Uber or working through other apps inside Now, though. To be honest I don't don't use Now for anything other than the weather and have never ordered an Uber.

This is good news for the US, President Obama and our allies in the Middle East.

This is good news for the US, President Obama and our allies in the Middle East.

The below video is a 30(ish) minute documentary about a secretive department within the USDA, of all places, that...

The below video is a 30(ish) minute documentary about a secretive department within the USDA, of all places, that appears to be unaccountable to anyone. Their mission is to ... well, no one really knows what their mission is. All that's known is they kill animals for little to no apparent reason in a lot of cases.

Wow. They called the police because kids wanted to read. I bet those parents vote Republican.

Wow. They called the police because kids wanted to read. I bet those parents vote Republican. Originally shared by Casey McKinnon

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! @bonerman_inc: hey @mcdonalds i ordered a sundae but instead you gave me the souls of the damned, did i have to pay extra for this

Fantastic story. As an Army veteran, I approve this message.

Fantastic story. As an Army veteran, I approve this message.

More fractures within the GOP.

More fractures within the GOP.

An old article but one, I feel, explains a lot about people's feelings towards government.

An old article but one, I feel, explains a lot about people's feelings towards government.

Whoa! Talk about a blast from the past. This post just popped back up into my notifications.

Whoa! Talk about a blast from the past. This post just popped back up into my notifications. Originally shared by Jason ON A lot of funny.

So, for the holiday I was given my very first selfie stick. Yes, a selfie stick. And this is my first image with it.

So, for the holiday I was given my very first selfie stick. Yes, a selfie stick. And this is my first image with it. Edited with Snapseed.

Apparently zombies, via The Walking Dead, are a huge deal. They even have their own "con."

Apparently zombies, via The Walking Dead , are a huge deal. They even have their own "con."

How weird is that?

How weird is that? #Yoda

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! via Kevin Guertin​ Originally shared by G. Michael Williams That's pretty funny.

Sheldon Adelson, the chief lessee of of Marco Rubio (http://www.

Sheldon Adelson, the chief lessee of of Marco Rubio ( ) bought a couple of newspapers and then turned them into his personal PR outlet. It seems some of his (former) employees took offense to the billionaire's actions and quit their jobs on ethical grounds. Good for them! Originally shared by Andreas Schou So, Sheldon Adelson has been the one driving pseudonymous "articles" about corruption in the organizations suing him for torts and investigating him for crimes. This is unsurprising, given Adelson's past behavior when buying newspapers -- his free daily in Israel, Bibi HaYom -- sorry, Israel HaYom -- has been a money-sink designed to push forward his political ambitions, not a "newspaper" as such. Which is what Las Vegas' paper of record is likely to become relatively shortly.

Being from Florida, I can totally see this happening.

Being from Florida, I can totally see this happening. In fact, I'm surprised wackado Christians verbally assaulting non-Anglo/Saxon looking people doesn't come to light more often. Note: these guys are of Brazilian descent, not Middle-Eastern or elsewhere. Also note: they handled this situation much better than I would have.

They stopped to give did aid to a woman in distress and her husband beat them for it.

They stopped to give did aid to a woman in distress and her husband beat them for it. Oh yeah, he's something like a cop.

Great article about the current state of the GOP and how the establishment Republicans have, over the years,...

Great article about the current state of the GOP and how the establishment Republicans have, over the years, alienated their base resulting in the fractured party that makes (almost) no sense we see with this election cycle. If you have a long time and the desire to know of such things, I suggest giving this a read.

It has very good reviews if you don't mind the limitations.

It has very good reviews if you don't mind the limitations. Originally shared by **** Have you recently bought a Mattel View-Master VR? GearBrain recommends checking out the kid-friendly, Lamper VR games on this headset.

This is a couple of years old but still a fun viewing.

This is a couple of years old but still a fun viewing. Not sure if the piano was sentient or if someone was controlling it remotely.

One of the things that annoyed me the most about the new Star Wars film was it's complete lack of context.

One of the things that annoyed me the most about the new Star Wars film was it's complete lack of context. Not in the story, not in the dialogue and not in the scrolling fellow script at the start of the film. I've seen various articles that covered the "what" and "why" as explained by various people involved in the movie but one would think good storytelling wouldn't need to involved explanations-after-the-fact.

Interesting design.

Interesting design. It would make shoving my giant head into a helmet a bit easier, but I don't see it really helping with the helmet-head.



When you see it ...

When you see it ... Originally shared by Rich LaDuca

They say there's a silver lining .

They say there's a silver lining ... For one taco shop, being robbed turned into a chance to market their brand while trolling the clumsy thieves at the same time. Brilliant! Next time you're in Vegas, go grab a taco. But do it during normal operating hours.

This is a domestic violence awareness video filmed by a woman in Croatia.

This is a domestic violence awareness video filmed by a woman in Croatia. She took a photo of herself everyday for a year.

I don't buy a lot of women's items but I do know my (female) roommate occasionally purchases the male version of...

I don't buy a lot of women's items but I do know my (female) roommate occasionally purchases the male version of items. Usually it's because the item is deemed better in some small way. I've never really noticed that men's items are less costly. Haircuts? Sure. But we tend not to have elaborate do's. Clothing? Yeah, women pay more even though men's clothing usually takes more fabric. But, maybe women's clothing has more design elements or something. I don't know. Maybe they (the clothing manufacturers and sellers) know women will spend more for the perfect item while most men won't. I happen to know a lot of women who bargain and sale shop while most men will just pay whatever the price point is. Perhaps they take sale prices and whatnot into account when pricing. I don't know.

How in the world was this man convicted in the first place? Reasonable doubt is all over this case.

How in the world was this man convicted in the first place? Reasonable doubt is all over this case.

Cleanliness is close to conservativeness? Or are conservatives just more quick go judge and judge harshly?

Cleanliness is close to conservativeness? Or are conservatives just more quick go judge and judge harshly?

#StarWars from a political scientist's perspective!

#StarWars from a political scientist's perspective! I would have written this differently, myself. Of course, I'm one of those people who has his idea on the political structure of the galaxy far, far away and would work any thesis I had into my own opinion while this author takes the nonjudgmental position.

It's that time of year and now the most feared Dark Lord of the Sith is getting in on the action Grinch style.

It's that time of year and now the most feared Dark Lord of the Sith is getting in on the action Grinch style. #StarWars #DarthVader #Sith #Christmas #XMas

I couldn't read more than a couple of paragraphs before quitting and if you're smarter than Jethro Bodine, moving...

I couldn't read more than a couple of paragraphs before quitting and if you're smarter than Jethro Bodine, moving beyond the sixth grade, that is, then you'll not be able to get far, either. Originally shared by David Brin This is what has happened to the jibbering-loony right.  This is what they suckle desperately -- this "breitbart" monster, now attacking in viciously junior-high-school fashion Neil deGrasse Tyson, of all people.  Seriously, go read what your crazy uncle reads.  This is how the undead thing that has hijacked American conservatism is waging war on science and every other 'smartypants' caste of knowledge in American life. At this point, the only conceivable explanation is a fully resurrected Confederacy, our recurring national sickness. Oh, those of you who will cl...

Oooh, I finally had someone try to phish me on Google Hangouts.

Oooh, I finally had someone try to phish me on Google Hangouts. Either that or a robot wanted to work on it's English.
#StarWars gif of a lifetime. Someone should make this into a movie.

How did JJ Abrams convince Harrison For to return as Han Solo? Turns out, he had help.

How did JJ Abrams convince Harrison For to return as Han Solo? Turns out, he had help. #StarWars #StephenColbert

Area 51 from the CIA's very own Flickr account.

Area 51 from the CIA's very own Flickr account.

Who's looking out for you? No one.

Who's looking out for you? No one. In order to keep the controversial legislation out of the public's eye, Congress quietly snuck it into a larger must-pass spending bill and rammed it through before any real conversations could happen. CISA bypasses the constitutional requirement if a warrant, bypasses due process and bypasses the separation of government and private entities. Facebook, Google, AT&T - heck, any company that gathers data about you - can now turn it over to the federal government without repercussion. Let me put it into perspective for you. Recently the NSA had to stop bulk collection of metadata. That particular data wouldn't tell the government the exact words used during a phone call, but would rather tell the government who you spoke with, how long you spoke with them, when you spoke with them and from what device and, consequently, what location. The US government no longer has to "guess" why you were on the phone with your urologist for ...

Senseless act of violence resulted in the death of a great kid.

Senseless act of violence resulted in the death of a great kid.

Just finished second showing of The Force Awakens. This time in IMAX 3D.

Just finished second showing of The Force Awakens . This time in IMAX 3D. Yes, that is my handsome mug.

Just for out if the theater.

Just for out if the theater. #StarWars #theForceAwakens

The simple fact is, the world is not as controlled as some people would have you believe.

The simple fact is, the world is not as controlled as some people would have you believe. Conspiracy theorists would have us believe in a hypercompetent government, hundreds of spinning wheels all acting independent of each other and evil geniuses. No. That doesn't happen in real life. Sorry. There's no Illuminati, no secret cabals, no corporate overlords. There are just people. Plain everyday people who do things for their own reasons that someone else will later interpret as genius level maliciousness. Originally shared by miri dunn This concludes that conspiracy theories are an extreme form of cynicism and caused by feelings of powerlessness. While I agree they are cynical and may arise from a need for agency, I think they really missed the mark.  If you talk to a conspiracy theorist- especially the latest  "false flag" variety (who personally make me sick) you eventually will be told to "WAKE UP!" and stop being a "sheep". This is at the core o...

So, YouTube​ Red is in the movie making business now.

So, YouTube​ Red is in the movie making business now.

A quick musical recap of StarWars before you go and see The Force Awakens this weekend. Or, like me, this afternoon.

A quick musical recap of StarWars before you go and see The Force Awakens this weekend. Or, like me, this afternoon.

...and nothing's changed in twenty years. The Donald is still a petulant child believing being loud is being right.

...and nothing's changed in twenty years. The Donald is still a petulant child believing being loud is being right. Originally shared by Lily Alice There's a bonus slideshow at the bottom. Pretend I've had drinks and that's why I'm sharing this.

So, dogs know more about sharing than Republicans and libertarians do. Got it.

So, dogs know more about sharing than Republicans and libertarians do. Got it.

Not having been a Daredevil fan I was pleasantly surprised by the Netflix series.

Not having been a Daredevil fan I was pleasantly surprised by the Netflix series. Then came Jessica Jones which was raw and powerful. I'm really excited for Luke Cage . I'm hoping he goes into the Hero for Hire business at some point of the show.

Who ya gonna call?

Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!,,20973827,00.html
Why are you even on social media if all you're doing is disabling comments on your posts?

Hey look, Paul Ryan is trying to sneak something through.

Hey look, Paul Ryan is trying to sneak something through.

Now, this is one unbundling I can get behind.

Now, this is one unbundling I can get behind. I never wanted a "unified" messaging app, I wanted a quality chat app and a quality SMS/MMS app. Heck, I even unbundled my GV messaging from my Hangouts (Android) app just to make things easier. The only time a single unified system even worked somewhat remotely well was on desktop and that's only when I wanted to send a text while logged into the browser - I didn't have to open another tab, just the little popup via my Chrome extension.

Think of it like this:

Think of it like this: The Original Trilogy, or the OT . The New Trilogy, or the NT . The Force Awakens is a new gospel of the Force. Originally shared by Jameson Durand

And now every LA School District student knows that if they don't want to go to school all they have to do is call...

And now every LA School District student knows that if they don't want to go to school all they have to do is call in a hoax. Don't worry, it's let's invasive than swatting . /sarcasm Seriously, when does this sort of behavior become the boy who cried wolf? Not that local officials can afford to ignore such threats, but what happens when they become so commonplace they're not taken seriously?

I like my dog (Rufus) almost as much as other people do, but this is a bit overboard.

I like my dog (Rufus) almost as much as other people do, but this is a bit overboard. It's not like he hurt or killed the dog, he merely made a social media post about Copper .

OMG!! I'll be trying this out in a short minute!

OMG!! I'll be trying this out in a short minute! #StarWars

Emperor Palpatine's conversations with Darth Vader are priceless.

Emperor Palpatine's conversations with Darth Vader are priceless. #StarWars

Darth Vader probably won't be be making an entrance in The Force Awakens so here's some Dark Lord of the Sith for...

Darth Vader probably won't be be making an entrance in The Force Awakens so here's some Dark Lord of the Sith for you.

A little fun as we gear up towards The Force Awakens on Thursday night and The GOP debates tonight.

A little fun as we gear up towards The Force Awakens on Thursday night and The GOP debates tonight.

Your bacon is made from cannibalistic pork. And this is normal, apparently. Ewww...

Your bacon is made from cannibalistic pork. And this is normal, apparently. Ewww...

I want one. I really do.

I want one. I really do. #StarWars Originally shared by Panah Rad For Star Wars fans ... Source:

Marco Rubio fears competition.

Marco Rubio fears competition. You know, that thing that's supposed to make capitalism work? AT&T, Comcast, Verizon and all the others have carved out little niches of markets among themselves in order to give you and me, the consumer, the lowest quality service possible while charging the highest possible rates without scaring off customers. Some cities have circumvented corporations and installed their own high bandwidth services, case in point, Chattanooga. Rubio doesn't think municipalities should be driving competition against his financial backers. What next? Maybe municipalities shouldn't be in the clean water business? Or maybe give all their parks to developers?

How well do you know your Bible? Probably not as well as you think you do.

How well do you know your Bible? Probably not as well as you think you do. Originally shared by john kinsey This site will give you random verses from either the Bible or the Quran. You have to decide which it is. Brilliant.

Public Service Announcement

Public Service Announcement If you haven't heard yet, and want to keep 15gigs of OneDrive space, you have to let Microsoft know.

Makes one wonder if "accidental" shooting is a valid defense in this town for anyone or just for cops who kill -...

Makes one wonder if "accidental" shooting is a valid defense in this town for anyone or just for cops who kill - accidentally . Paul Wolfe​

That should go over well.

That should go over well.

Some people are always looking for something to be offended about even when they have no understanding of what...

Some people are always looking for something to be offended about even when they have no understanding of what they're complaining about. Take this lady, for example. She thinks Star Wars is racist because ... Darth Vader is black. No, it's not The Onion .

If Star Wars doesn't excite you (then you're dead inside), but Star Trek does, god news!

If Star Wars doesn't excite you (then you're dead inside), but Star Trek does, god news! Their 5 year mission is taking the crew of the Enterprise - beyond.

And excellent explanation of the layers of anger and disenfranchisement that have provided the settings of a perfect...

And excellent explanation of the layers of anger and disenfranchisement that have provided the settings of a perfect storm Trump is taking advantage of.

In want to say "Only in Texas" but schools have gone overboard on the anti-bullying political correctness bandwagon...

In want to say "Only in Texas" but schools have gone overboard on the anti-bullying political correctness bandwagon for years now. #StarWars

Not sure where they got their numbers from, but Yavin and Bespin were gas giants, so that comparison makes sense.

Not sure where they got their numbers from, but Yavin and Bespin were gas giants, so that comparison makes sense. #StarWars

Give it a little goth spin and call it Christmas music. Oh yeah!

Give it a little goth spin and call it Christmas music. Oh yeah! Originally shared by Harold Chester What a difference. h/t to George Takei

Five out of seven people think this former police chief is a complete and utter tool. The other two are libertarians.

Five out of seven people think this former police chief is a complete and utter tool. The other two are libertarians.

Its very hard not to stereotype the South as being a bunch of dumb rednecks, here.

Its very hard not to stereotype the South as being a bunch of dumb rednecks, here.

Colorado. Helping bad cops stay on the job for decades.

Colorado. Helping bad cops stay on the job for decades. Paul Wolfe​

Oooh, that looks good.

Oooh, that looks good. I don't think we've had a good alien invasion movie in a long time. No, Avengers doesn't count. I'm seeing some Robotech undertones as well. Using alien tech, larger aliens invading Earth and fighter pilots that look like children come to mind.

Spider-Man is the greatest superhero ever. It's nonnegotiable.

Spider-Man is the greatest superhero ever. It's nonnegotiable.


Atrocious. Paul Wolfe​

Personally, I thinks the only thing saving Cruz right now is the media's focus on Trump.

Personally, I thinks the only thing saving Cruz right now is the media's focus on Trump. If Trump weren't out there claiming the "crazy" mantle for himself Cruz would be anointed crazy king of this election. Or, maybe Huckabee.

Wow, the UK is really trying to screw over artists and publishers.

Wow, the UK is really trying to screw over artists and publishers.

Kansas, Libertarian Wonderland

Kansas, Libertarian Wonderland

#StarWars, then and now.

#StarWars, then and now.

Good stuff.

Good stuff.

Leave it to +Bloomberg to go overboard on trying to understand the Force.

Leave it to +Bloomberg to go overboard on trying to understand the Force. Great graphics, though.

I remember telling people in the early 2000s that most of our stories of heroism were stories of terrorists...

I remember telling people in the early 2000s that most of our stories of heroism were stories of terrorists overcoming the legitimate government. Star Wars is a perfect example of this. So are Robin Hood and countless others. In the USA we love the Sampson beating Goliath tales. In our war for independence, we were the insurgents, a colonial outpost that fought the largest empire in known history. In Star Wars we root for the terrorists. What's the difference?

First of all, Sam Raimi's Peter Parker was near perfect casting.

First of all, Sam Raimi's Peter Parker was near perfect casting. He was a social outcast, ignored and often maligned. He was Peter Parker. Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, though ... Well, he was campy and goofy, everything from early Saturday morning cartoons. On the contrary, Marx Webb's Peter Parker was too Twilight . He wasn't a social outcast, just not a popular kid. He was confident, stood up to bullies and interfered where Peter Parker from the 60s (pre spider bite) wouldn't have gotten involved. I don't think any of us mind a more lighthearted Spider-Man after Marc Webb's version. Like Sam Raimi's version, Spider-Man is a daytime hero, swooping in and saving the day. Webb kept Spider-Man to nights and that's just not our favorite wall crawler. In Civil War I want to see Captain America, with a bleeding Spider-Man in his arms, telling him he's the best of them all. Because he is. He's Spider-Man.

I can't remember which Steven Segal movie it was, but Steven's character was driving down the street and another...

I can't remember which Steven Segal movie it was, but Steven's character was driving down the street and another vehicle tosses a box out in front of Steven's car. Segal stops and checks the box only to find a puppy in it. That was someone's plan to get rid of an unwanted dog. Since that movie came out (I must have been between 10 and 15) I've always made it a point to not run over boxes or bags in the road. Which is why #6 is so disheartening.

I'm not sure if an elected position is the same as "federal employee" as Rubio states.

I'm not sure if an elected position is the same as "federal employee" as Rubio states. Regardless, hypocrite much, Rubio?

OneDrive is shrinking. Make sure you claim what you can before it's all gone.

OneDrive is shrinking. Make sure you claim what you can before it's all gone. via Ciro Villa​ Originally shared by **** #greedyfuckers

What's it like being a non-violent non-racist at a Trump rally?

What's it like being a non-violent non-racist at a Trump rally? Apparently, it's painful. I wonder if/when he's coming to Denver next ... Maybe I'll make a sign.

The Age of Apocalypse is nigh!

The Age of Apocalypse is nigh! Let's hope its good. I'm not sure how much Fox and Bryan Singer are going to mess with canon, but it looks like it will be more if a reimagining than a tale taken from the pages of the X-Men books.

Noble Ackerson​ found a treat for you guys.

Noble Ackerson​ found a treat for you guys. Originally shared by Noble Yes please, but please don't suck.

Charlie playing with Indigo.

Charlie playing with Indigo. Yes, the white dog's name is Indigo . He's a #GSD - #husky mix with a Hannibal Lector fetish. Really playful, though. Most of then other #dogs wouldn't go near him. The girl, Indigo's monkey, is named Loki. Yeah, a girl named Loki. And, there is Charlie. #fidofriday

#DarthTrump! Brilliant! Just friggin brilliant!

#DarthTrump! Brilliant! Just friggin brilliant! #StarWars

Or fear them. In fact, for me, Muslims are just people like anyone else.

Or fear them. In fact, for me, Muslims are just people like anyone else. Originally shared by Spencer Miller

Hit the link, touch your screen (I didn't try it on desktop) and drag your finger back and forth as fast or slow as...

Hit the link, touch your screen (I didn't try it on desktop) and drag your finger back and forth as fast or slow as you'd like. #Awesomesauce #StarTrek #Kirk #SpaceSlaps via Kevin Guertin​ Originally shared by Wolfie Rankin

Do you believe in the "mismatch" theory?

Do you believe in the "mismatch" theory?

Let me get this straight.

Let me get this straight. A man armed with a shotgun and propane tanks was in a standoff with campus police and no shots were fired and every day we hear about another unarmed black person being shot because a cop was scared of the man running away from him? Originally shared by The Daily Beast Armed Man in Standoff at College Campus

Know a Chris or a Nicole, or some variation thereof?

Know a Chris or a Nicole, or some variation thereof? Originally shared by Tammy Moore Merry Chris mas.

I'm fairly certain this is satire, but it's funny nonetheless.

I'm fairly certain this is satire, but it's funny nonetheless.

This is a prefect summation of what I try explaining to "carry all the time" types.

This is a prefect summation of what I try explaining to "carry all the time" types. You're not trained and you're not experienced. Carrying a gun doesn't make you a hero, it makes you a fool. I say this as a gun owner. Retired Army Sergeant Rafael Noboa y Rivera, who led a combat team in Iraq, says that most soldiers only function effectively after they’ve been exposed to fire a number a times. “I think there’s this fantasy world of gunplay in the movies, but it doesn’t really happen that way,” he says. “When I heard gunfire [in Iraq], I didn’t immediately pick up my rifle and react. I first tried to ascertain where the shooting was coming from, where I was in relation to the gunfire and how far away it was. I think most untrained people are either going to freeze up, or just whip out their gun and start firing in that circumstance,” Noboa said. “I think they would absolutely panic.” Originally shared by Marla Caldwell This article pretty thoroughly debunks the tr...

Like a scene straight out of Law & Order.

Like a scene straight out of Law & Order . #GOP #PlannedParenthood #Conservative

The bigot was fine being the one confronting what looked like a single individual but when that individual grabbed a...

The bigot was fine being the one confronting what looked like a single individual but when that individual grabbed a couple to security guards and confronted the bigot suddenly the Trump-esque hate speech was something to be ashamed of. If you see something, say something. It doesn't just apply to unattended grocery carts, but bigotry and discrimination, as well.

I kind of want one, but true Jedi know they must be self built as part their training.

I kind of want one, but true Jedi know they must be self built as part their training.

These look so much better than the original posters.

These look so much better than the original posters. #StarWars Originally shared by César Sánchez



#Free art books for everyone!

#Free art books for everyone! Originally shared by annie bodnar Download 448 Free Art Books from The Metropolitan Museum of Art

This is about as Florida as it gets.

This is about as Florida as it gets. I grew up in one of the towns mentioned in this article. Doesn't surprise me at all. #Florida #FloridaMan #Floriduh


That's interesting. Has anyone ever noticed Google warning of hacks in search results before?

I think about half of us already knew this. ;)

I think about half of us already knew this. ;)

Most of these headlines just creed to be changed to something along the lines of: Cop too frightened to be a police...

Most of these headlines just creed to be changed to something along the lines of: Cop too frightened to be a police officer kills man in fear for no reason whatsoever.

So, let me get this straight:

So, let me get this straight: He was handcuffed, which meant he was already patted down. You know, for the officer's safety. He was in the back seat of a patrol car. So, his hands were behind his lower back and he was sitting in a car where his hands would be squashed between his body and the seat's cushion. Somehow he was able to grab a gun from the front of his pants that mysteriously appeared, and then shoot himself in the chest? And that doesn't seem nearly impossible to you?

Sad bear is sad.

Sad bear is sad. This little guy was in a dumpster, then a tree before someone tossed him in a pond for months, then kicked around a playground until I started placing him in playful positions on the equipment and taking his picture.

S#1t just got real! #DonaldTrump is officially a worse human being than He Who shall Not be Named, #Voldemort.

S#1t just got real! #DonaldTrump is officially a worse human being than He Who shall Not be Named, #Voldemort.

"I think the fans are going to love it."

"I think the fans are going to love it." In 1984 I would have sided with Lucas, but after the prequels ... I don't know. I guess I'll know on Dec. 18.

Because Bill Gates is the internet?

Because Bill Gates is the internet? And because shutting down the internet is either (a) feasible or (b) going to make him popular? I really think he just keeps saying the dumbest things he can as a social experiment to see what will finally break the camel's back. #DonaldTrump

I think this is the most relevant part of the article:

I think this is the most relevant part of the article: The loss of confidence in government, fostered by many in government, is a more serious threat to American security than ISIS. There is no American alive today who can destroy confidence in our government and expect to restore it by being elected.

So, she was fleeing from one accident, caused another then her car called the police for her. Or on her.

So, she was fleeing from one accident, caused another then her car called the police for her. Or on her. Imagine the day when police just have scanners at intersections that remotely download your driving history so they send you tickets based on actions they didn't, themselves, witness. How screwed would you be?

It boils down to 'don't poke the bear.

It boils down to 'don't poke the bear.' I posted before about the GOP being st a crossroads: either distance themselves from Trump, thus alienating his followers or jump on the bandwagon and alienate reasoned people. The advice the GOP gave to their candidates was not to upset Trump, but also, don't upset voters. I think the PR specialist who wrote this piece nailed it perfectly.

I may download it and give it a go, now. Cool.

I may download it and give it a go, now. Cool. Originally shared by Ayoub “Alex” Khote Adobe Lightroom Goes free on Android This is very cool! :D

Worlds greatest memory, huh? Mr. Trump, every time you open your mouth you get a little dumber.

Worlds greatest memory, huh? Mr. Trump, every time you open your mouth you get a little dumber.

Wow. So much hate and racism in this post.

Wow. So much hate and racism in this post. Originally shared by Chris Phenomenal "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah." - Obama 12/6/2015

A lot of bad cops out there and a few good ones, as well.

A lot of bad cops out there and a few good ones, as well. Originally shared by WSVN-TV A New Hampshire police officer's act of kindness is getting a lot of attention after he responded to a shoplifting call and ended up saving a kid's birthday.

This is the stupidest thing I've seen all day and I follow Fox News​​.

This is the stupidest thing I've seen all day and I follow Fox News​​. So that's saying a lot. Click through, read the racist comment by Dwayne Roland​. See some real racism in action: Or when the nigger down the street decides he wants what you worked hard to get. ~ Dwayne Originally shared by John French If you want to be one of the victims that Islam influences their followers to kill, then don't share this!

The best friggin marketing for cake ever!

The best friggin marketing for cake ever! Originally shared by ****

For those of you who want to save a buck or two, #FreeDay at #RMNP in 2016​.

For those of you who want to save a buck or two, #FreeDay at #RMNP in 2016​. Courtesy of Rob Andersen​. Originally shared by Estes Park, Colorado In honor the the National Park Service​ turning 100 in 2016, Rocky Mountain National Park​ and other parks are offering 16 free entrance days in 2016! Click to see the full list of dates:

I remember, during my political sciences 'Local Politics' class, the instructor brought in a local news anchor who...

I remember, during my political sciences 'Local Politics' class, the instructor brought in a local news anchor who covered the Denver, Colorado and metro area government beats. He'd originally started his career in Chicago, though. Per him, Chicago (police) were about as corrupt as you can get. He lamented on Denver police but claimed Chicago was far worse - the pinnacle of corrupt governments - more comparable to corrupt third world dictators than American democracy. This is but one example of such corruption and the ease with which the police and the DA write the video deletion off makes one wonder if corruption isn't just their SOP.

That is a hell of a drop. #GoPro #actioncam

That is a hell of a drop. #GoPro #actioncam

Watching this little documentary about fanfic movies.

Watching this little documentary about fanfic movies.

Anyone know anything about password hacking/cracking tools? I have no idea what I'm looking at here.

Anyone know anything about password hacking/cracking tools? I have no idea what I'm looking at here. Originally shared by Irreverent Monk Supposed to be the world's fastest password cracking tool. Gotta check it out.

Has anyone seen this in real life, yet?

Has anyone seen this in real life, yet?

Because, #StarWars

Because, #StarWars

The Hoff is making and album and you can help!

The Hoff is making and album and you can help! Seriously, he needs money and four supporter submitted songs to add to the final product. Originally shared by Jeff Creed Bad:  Nearly all 80s music. Worse:  Cover versions of bad 80s music. Divide by zero:  The Hoff covers bad 80s music with your help. Bonus points:  The creation of "Hoff Knows Talent."


Added photos to IT'S DOG WEEKEND ON GOOGLE PLUS. events/gallery/cjm944pjeivfut0omn6msro47to

Party at the Brown Palace last night.

Party at the Brown Palace last night. Free booze (yay!) And free food if you could find it. And, for some reason, one of the other rooms was having a superhero themed party so lots of comics characters running about the place.

Ben Carson for President 2016​ just keeps getting dumberer.

Ben Carson for President 2016​ just keeps getting dumberer.

Aw, come on. Someone knows how to caption this picture properly.

Aw, come on. Someone knows how to caption this picture properly. Originally shared by Stacy Sanchez Caption this pic. #fidofriday

You know that feeling when you're invitation to a formal "Holiday Party" and you find out at the door it's an...

You know that feeling when you're invitation to a formal "Holiday Party" and you find out at the door it's an informal happy hour?

Then next time one of the GOP presidential candidates invokes Reagan send them this article.

Then next time one of the GOP presidential candidates invokes Reagan send them this article. Originally shared by David Brin In recently declassified memos, Reagan administration officials warned of global warming's “profound consequences" and that the U.S. “cannot wait” until all scientific questions are resolved to take action. These discussions led to success in the 1989 Montreal Protocol, which phased out production of industrial chemicals linked to the destruction of the Earth’s ozone layer. That same year, regarding global warming, top Reagan officials asserted that the United States should take a leadership role in the fight against a threat it called “the most far reaching environmental issue of our time.” Back when it was not a core GOP principle to hate science.

Someone tried to bamboozle me. This popped up when I 'left' a link someone posted here on the Ploos.

Someone tried to bamboozle me. This popped up when I 'left' a link someone posted here on the Ploos.


Engineworks! #motorcycle Originally shared by Dan Michael This is so cool.

The more I learn about Saudi Arabia the more like ISIS/ISIL they appear. #SueMeSaudi

The more I learn about Saudi Arabia the more like ISIS/ISIL they appear. #SueMeSaudi Hard to believe these are our "allies."

If you need a midday laugh today. And according to Kevin, Twitter is still going over this in full effect.

If you need a midday laugh today. And according to Kevin, Twitter is still going over this in full effect. via Kevin Guertin​ Originally shared by James Cowan Poor CJ #dying

Volcan spokesman Jorge Leoncio Murillo Nuñez says the company complies with all Peruvian environmental laws and has...

Volcan spokesman Jorge Leoncio Murillo Nuñez says the company complies with all Peruvian environmental laws and has “carried out campaigns to inform the population about hygiene and cleaning procedures to mitigate the effects of pollution.” Ah yes, as we can see, when there is little to no regulation the market will take care of it. Good job, Peru. Your dead children well prove libertarianism as a fool's quest. Because nothing says responsible corporation like 6 hours of running water a week and dumping your toxic waste into the local water supply.

This is a great idea! Same with vasectomies and prostate exams!

This is a great idea! Same with vasectomies and prostate exams!

I wonder if Alex Jones and the other wackados will call the lack of evidence evidence and make this theory famous?

I wonder if Alex Jones and the other wackados will call the lack of evidence evidence and make this theory famous?


Eyescapes . Those are kind of cool. Do we think he uses a long lens and shoots from further away or is getting up close and somehow not getting himself in the reflection?

I'm not that brave.

I'm not that brave. Of course, my hair is much more short than these women so less margin of error and ending up with no ears. Originally shared by Sarah Rios HOLY WOW Someone buy me a plane ticket. I need this guy to do my hair.

This guy is a class act. /sarcasm

This guy is a class act. /sarcasm Seriously, I hope she sues and wins what's left of his life. #GeorgeZimmerman

Best thing for the GOP or worst thing for them to consider?

Best thing for the GOP or worst thing for them to consider? Personally, I think, if the GOP embraces Trump's attitude they'll spin themselves so far out of the political ideology of a vast majority of Americans they'll be unelectable for a decade. Remember when the GOP embraced the Christian Conservatives, then the Tea Party? Each move has pulled the GOP further and further from the mainstream and each time more rational minds have been forced to resign or not run leaving the GOP more politically charged than previous iterations. Adopting Trump's radicalism, in my opinion, will only exacerbate the decline of the Republican Party. Originally shared by Fox News ‘If you can’t beat him, join him’ appears to be the new directive coming from the Republican establishment, as Donald Trump maintains his lead for the 2016 the GOP nomination.


"C3P0?" That was fantastic!

I've heard of Battle Beyond the Stars before, but definitely not much else on this list. Turkish #StarWars? Really?

I've heard of Battle Beyond the Stars before, but definitely not much else on this list. Turkish #StarWars? Really?

Holyyyy Shieeeet. This > Civil War (so far)

Holyyyy Shieeeet. This > Civil War (so far)

Would you use Facebook at Work?

Would you use Facebook at Work ?

The second salvo in the #WaronChristmas!

The second salvo in the #WaronChristmas! First it was Starbucks Coffee​ (red) cups and now holiday lights interfering with WiFi! Holiday lights are interfering with WiFi! Oh, the humanity! #firstworldproblems

This actually happened.

This actually happened. Not only did they attack a disabled man but they recorded it and then had the audacity to Upload the video to, not only their Facebook pages, but to the victim's? I'm glad they were arrested and hopefully the courts will not be kind.

What do you think?

What do you think? Are the nuns essentially doing more harm than good or are they fighting sexual slavery more directly than other groups that are looking for political ends?

Because, #StarWars and because, spaceships.

Because, #StarWars and because, spaceships.

Quite possibly the greatest alien invasion movie ever made. Yes, I said "ever."

Quite possibly the greatest alien invasion movie ever made. Yes, I said "ever."

#StarWars rings? How cool is that? Wow!

#StarWars rings? How cool is that? Wow!

Republicans spent decades undermining the establishment, telling their followers that "insiders" are what's wrong...

Republicans spent decades undermining the establishment, telling their followers that "insiders" are what's wrong with the country. Now they're reaping what they've sown and it terrifies them.

I'm not in the movie making business but even I know there are numerous ways to create a ghost, especially in this...

I'm not in the movie making business but even I know there are numerous ways to create a ghost, especially in this modern age. Regardless, I want to believe .

The End Times are here!

The End Times are here! And it's worse than we thought. We expected cats and dogs living together, even mass hysteria, but cats and goats ? Really? Cats and goats ? Hunker down, boys and girls, it's going to be a wild ride to the bottom.