Marco Rubio fears competition.
Marco Rubio fears competition. You know, that thing that's supposed to make capitalism work? AT&T, Comcast, Verizon and all the others have carved out little niches of markets among themselves in order to give you and me, the consumer, the lowest quality service possible while charging the highest possible rates without scaring off customers.
Some cities have circumvented corporations and installed their own high bandwidth services, case in point, Chattanooga.
Rubio doesn't think municipalities should be driving competition against his financial backers.
What next? Maybe municipalities shouldn't be in the clean water business? Or maybe give all their parks to developers?
Some cities have circumvented corporations and installed their own high bandwidth services, case in point, Chattanooga.
Rubio doesn't think municipalities should be driving competition against his financial backers.
What next? Maybe municipalities shouldn't be in the clean water business? Or maybe give all their parks to developers?
I shudder to think what would happen to any State so unfortunate as to have Rubio as Governor.