The simple fact is, the world is not as controlled as some people would have you believe.

The simple fact is, the world is not as controlled as some people would have you believe. Conspiracy theorists would have us believe in a hypercompetent government, hundreds of spinning wheels all acting independent of each other and evil geniuses.

No. That doesn't happen in real life. Sorry. There's no Illuminati, no secret cabals, no corporate overlords. There are just people. Plain everyday people who do things for their own reasons that someone else will later interpret as genius level maliciousness.

Originally shared by miri dunn

This concludes that conspiracy theories are an extreme form of cynicism and caused by feelings of powerlessness. While I agree they are cynical and may arise from a need for agency, I think they really missed the mark. 

If you talk to a conspiracy theorist- especially the latest  "false flag" variety (who personally make me sick) you eventually will be told to "WAKE UP!" and stop being a "sheep". This is at the core of their world-view: that only THEY are awake, and the rest of us are drones being manipulated by the machine!  This is narcissism. 

They will also say they have an OPEN mind and don't take things at face value. The complete opposite is true.  They  DO take something at face value: the conspiracies. And they think because they embrace these conspiracies,  they are open-minded when actually they are very closed minded and ONLY want to believe some strange fiction, as if the truth is not strange enough. And they want to feel special, with knowledge the "sheeple" don't have. It is narcissistic and arrogant and the complete opposite of being critical - though they would like to have you believe they are being SUPER critical with their special brain power that we are missing. Most of their conspiracies fall apart upon any critical examination, whether examined for motive, or result.  But it doesn't matter to them: ONLY the conspiracies CAN be true. 
That is not what I call rational, open minded or awake!


Steve Thompson said…
What I tell my brother (loves his conspiracies) is that I wish he had ever worked in an office or in manufacturing.

If he had, he would know exactly how bad people are at teamwork and how stupid managers can be.

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