Being from Florida, I can totally see this happening.

Being from Florida, I can totally see this happening. In fact, I'm surprised wackado Christians verbally assaulting non-Anglo/Saxon looking people doesn't come to light more often.

Note: these guys are of Brazilian descent, not Middle-Eastern or elsewhere.

Also note: they handled this situation much better than I would have.


Melina M said…
..... speechless.

I'm going to go cry for a while.
Bodhipaksa said…
I'm sure she makes lots of people proud to be Muricans!
Olaf Fichtner said…
And instead of putting such people into mental asylums they are allowed to drive cars and buy guns...
Craig Froehle said…
I hope she gets the counseling and medication she needs.
i couldn't believe what i was hearing
This is to a bad way. Those guys handled that nutcake pretty good. Please tell me, people like this women are a rare exception in the US (the year I lived in Florida I never encountered someone like this, but that was 1998)
Bodhipaksa said…
I suspect that Trump's rantings have had an enabling effect on people like this, William, the Dreamdancer. Crazy is becoming mainstream.
Jason ON said…
Crazy was always the default in Florida. But yes, I believe Trump has allowed these kinds of people to step out into the light and be proud of their bigotry.
Michael Meyer said…
every race every skin color has its stupid red neck's
Michael Meyer said…
yes just as Obama comments sparked a wave of hatred from blacks towards whites. Trumps ranting spark a wave of hatred towards people that grow a black beard and women wear head scarfs. Just stupid people filled with piss and vinegar no intelligence what so ever. so they are stuck going through life labeling people by how they look. which is very UN-Christian of them. they wont even read there own bible

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