This is a domestic violence awareness video filmed by a woman in Croatia.

This is a domestic violence awareness video filmed by a woman in Croatia. She took a photo of herself everyday for a year.


Click-bait headlines suck though.
You'd think that she'd have left after a few months (if real).... or, at least, wiped that last little bit of blood off off her nose after 13 days straight at the end there (at least the make up artist could have caught it). I get what they were going for, but they should have used real victims if they wanted it to resonate more.
Jason ON said…
I agree, David Bleecher. But, while I've been to Croatia, I don't know the culture that well. Maybe there's a stigma against women who leave relationships, especially if they're married. Or maybe this was done with makeup to demonstrate a year of living with an abusive partner. Regardless, the video project is profound.
I agree, the message is definitely powerful, but I think that they had an opportunity to hit home (no pun intended) by finishing with 365 real victims... you know like a multipanel pan out shot, or something of the like. I don't know the culture, either, maybe the consequences for leaving are worse than those of staying.

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