So, she was fleeing from one accident, caused another then her car called the police for her. Or on her.

So, she was fleeing from one accident, caused another then her car called the police for her. Or on her.

Imagine the day when police just have scanners at intersections that remotely download your driving history so they send you tickets based on actions they didn't, themselves, witness. How screwed would you be?


Jeff Leon said…
I'd actually be all for that when it comes to Florida drivers.
David Simmons said…
And the first reported case of robot turning on it's master. All Hail the new robot overlords.
Wasn't there a Twilight Zone episode about something like this?
Jason ON said…
I haven't seen all the Twilight Zone episodes.
John Bump said…
David Simmons -- today's xkcd is quite relevant: esp. the text when you mouseover the comic.
Jason ON -- I presume autonomous cars are going to solve this problem.
Jason ON said…
... by not harming themselves? ;)

[edited to fix spelling]

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