For those of you who missed it yesterday, #StarWars as seen by a newbie for the first time.

For those of you who missed it yesterday, #StarWars  as seen by a newbie for the first time. 

While I dislike her interpretation, she does have a couple of funny moments.

Murder bears!

Originally shared by Yonatan Zunger

Someone who has never seen Star Wars before watches the three originals and live-tweets them. The results are pretty goddamned hilarious. For one thing, I now appreciate Ewoks far more than before: "Lots of space teddy bears with weapons wearing bones and the skins of their victims."

Episodes 5 and 6 are at and , respectively.

Via Bridget Spitznagel.


Frank Scherr said…
Superb!!! This is the way SW should have been!!

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