When it happens to you, the commoner, it's a necessary component in ensuring a working "free" democracy, but when it...

When it happens to you, the commoner, it's a necessary component in ensuring a working "free" democracy, but when it happens to congresspersons or Israeli leaders, suddenly warrantless wiretaps are unConstitutional.

Who would have thought it?

via Ryan Petrain

Originally shared by Abraham Williams


John Bump said…
I know too many people who work from a might-makes-right mentality to be surprised by seeing this.
Jason ON said…
What's worse is the people who think wealth means right. Okay, maybe not worse, but equally stupid.
John Bump said…
I suspect it's pretty much the same thing, and I work with people who think that way.  They think it's reasonable that the US should be able to invade anywhere else, and nobody else should be able to assert their will, simply because the US can do so.  There's no conception of exactly the same sort of rights that the declaration of independence and the constitution talk about.

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