Cleanliness is close to conservativeness? Or are conservatives just more quick go judge and judge harshly?

Cleanliness is close to conservativeness? Or are conservatives just more quick go judge and judge harshly?


David Simmons said…
I guess Trump is like the North Korean leader and don't use the bathroom either.
Reminds me of when I was a child and didn't think my parents used the restroom.
Sam Moore said…
Wonder where Hillary will be at 3am? Kappa
Kevin Timmons said…
Trump is using brain science studies as a weapon? I have to give him credit, however his use of the word disgusting when describing someone using the restroom makes him seem 7. And when it comes to natural bodily functions, i don't think this psychology will work on his ultra conservative base. The thought of people peeing doesn't really disgust people. We all do it. Now, if he had some CCTV of Hillary on the pot, well maybe he would win over a few minds to his side. I find any image of donald trump disgusting, i often shy away and cringe as his image shows. Am i a conservative?, No, i identify with the best man/women for the job.
Cindy Brown said…
He sounded FIVE saying that. I'm appalled this is part of public presidential campaign discourse. THAT is disgusting.
Bodhipaksa said…
Trump thinks anyone he doesn't like is a loser, unimportant, or disgusting. Personally I find him revolting.
Steve Thompson said…
Am I the only one to find a duck lips pic of Trump disgusting?
Bodhipaksa said…
You are not alone, Steve Thompson.
Cindy Brown said…
I mean for fuck's sake, "Schlonging" is now part of political discourse?

Just kill me now.

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