Public Service Announcement

Public Service Announcement

If you haven't heard yet, and want to keep 15gigs of OneDrive space, you have to let Microsoft know.


Steve Thompson said…
I think that's just a phishing scam.
Jason ON said…
What's a phishing scam?
Johanna Rogers said…
How do you remove storage space you already gave to someone.
I can understand if after a date the new allotment is 5GB rather than 15GB...but how the fawk you giving me 15GB and then say oh nevermind give me back 10GB. FOH.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, they handled the whole thing wrong, Johanna Rogers.
Johanna Rogers said…
It's whatever...there's always Drive to the rescue.

I miss the days when Google use to throw up the middle finger at the competition and be like 250MB of email space, here...have a Gig...and don't worry, we'll increase this every so often. 
They're making you resize your attachments??? Fuck'em, you don't need to resize when you sending shit with us. 25MB attachment...BRAM!

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