Worlds greatest memory, huh? Mr. Trump, every time you open your mouth you get a little dumber.

Worlds greatest memory, huh? Mr. Trump, every time you open your mouth you get a little dumber.


Patrick Jordan said…
I don't think our language has a word strong enough to convey the depth of this guy's ignorance.
Matthew Mueller said…
Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.
Steve Becraft said…
He might be dumb to you but to the people who love this country and and moral values and don't feel safe right now because of of the fundraiser in the Whitehouse trump is sounding pretty smart, the American people are tired of all the political bull shot that all the liberals try to pull on a daily basis!
Jose Benividez said…
He's a bullshit artist, pandering to the crowds that might give him votes. He IS ignorant, and a bit moronic. A shaved baboon, really. Who would he be without his daddy's money? Who would he be if he hadn't been born with a silver spoon while the rest of us get pewter?
Jose Benividez said…
The people who love this country would do well by NOT putting this psychopath in office. As much trouble in this country that can be put squarely on corporations and their fuckery, do we really want a man in office who would run the country like a corporation?
daredevil 52 said…
Steve Becraft​ you don't speak for the American people speak for yourself fool. .trump is an idiot only gullible suckers like him.
Jason ON said…
For being dumberer than a Kardashian, Johnny Wishbonn​. The last time the American people s/elected a president this dumb we got GWB. He's on the same page as Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman, Rick Santorum and Ted Cruz. Crazy.
Steve Thompson said…
When you, or your followers, don't care about facts or truth (known as 'liberal bull shit' in GOP circles) you can claim to be a genius every day of your life. Anyone who contradicts you is simply a liberal bull-shitter.

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