Republicans spent decades undermining the establishment, telling their followers that "insiders" are what's wrong...

Republicans spent decades undermining the establishment, telling their followers that "insiders" are what's wrong with the country. Now they're reaping what they've sown and it terrifies them.


John Bump said…
It terrifies about 2/3 of them.  About 1/3 of them actually seems to want apocalypse.
Michael Bourke said…
Funny, the polls show him beating the pants off of Hillary in November.
Donald Dump said…
You tell 'em Teabag Brother Conservative Christian Republican !!  We all know that COMMUNISTS will be THE END of this GREAT GOD FEARING country!!!  They are GODLESS and only know how to worship OBAMA!!!  We need a good TEABAGGER in the office like Ted CRUZ or Mike HUCKABEEEEEEEE!!! Hey that rhymes with BenghaZEEEEEE!!!
Jason ON said…
Conservative Christian Republican​, you can't just say Clinton is a criminal, you have to prove Clinton is a criminal. Now, which law(s) exactly did she break?

And no, Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. If you do not understand the difference from Communism then I suggest you use Google.
Jason ON said…
Conservative Christian Republican​, you must be so glad the internet exists.

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