Okay, it's been a while since I've been in school.

Okay, it's been a while since I've been in school. In an accepted argument whether it be legal, scholarly, policy, etc, a person or party makes a claim (a hypothesis) and then provides the research, data, facts, resources, to back up their hypothesis.

What's that called? There's a term for it but for the life of me I can't think of it right now.


Terence Reale said…
Research Paper?  Term Paper?
Jason ON said…
Nah, there's a name for the process. Scientific method comes close, but it's not the same.
Jason ON said…
Thesis as in the paper or the process, Joe Lancaster? 

Like I said before, there's a name for the process accepted standards for an argument. Academic, legal, scholarly, etc. all follow the same general rules. Someone makes a claim (a thesis) and then must provide proof of said claim through research, data, references (citations), etc. The whole process has a name and that's what I can't think of. It's similar to scientific method, but not the same.

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