I need more Goodreads friends.

I need more Goodreads friends.


I've never used it, but I've heard of it.
Robert Engle said…
Nice list of favorites. I've got a few non-fiction right now that are slowing my reading pace down and keeping me from reading all the sf/fantasy I have in past years. It's bad enough I decided to finally read the bible but I'm also working through AC Grayling's The Good Book, a humanist bible. Too long for this style of writing. Can't log in now. Go ahead and add me and I'll get back to you later.
Brandy Ellis said…
Added. We also have an excellent fantasy & sci-fi bookclub that meets via G+ Hangout.
Jason ON said…
Really Brandy Ellis? For readers or writers?
Brandy Ellis said…
For readers. Although, we have had authors come and do hangouts with us, like Ramez Naam of the Nexus series.

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