Some great research and reference material in here.

Some great research and reference material in here.

Originally shared by ****

As it turns out, organizing the world’s information isn’t always profitable. Projects that preserve the past for the public good aren’t really a big profit center. Old Google knew that, but didn’t seem to care.

The desire to preserve the past died along with 20% time, Google Labs, and the spirit of haphazard experimentation.

Google may have dropped the ball on the past, but fortunately, someone was there to pick it up.


Larry Maxwell said…
Never trust ANY corporation to perform a municipal job.
Steve Pirk said…
Never trust corporations period. I cannot believe how much Google sucks as a company now. Have you seen Nafeez Ahmed's piece "How the CIA created Google"? It is stuff many people knew and suspected, but he puts it all together with tons of documentation.
James Cook said…
Posted on Google+, how Ironic :P

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