I remember when this mall was built.

I remember when this mall was built. Granted, I was five or 6 at the time, but I remember my mom driving down New Haven Ave. and seeing the cinderblocks going up. For a while my mom worked in a bank branch located in the mall and my brother and I spent a lot of time there on Saturday mornings while the bank was open, perusing the stores until the branch closed at noon.

Originally shared by Fox News

Breaking News: Police in Central Florida responded to a deadly shooting inside a mall Saturday morning. 1 dead, 2 injuried in Melbourne Florida mall shooting, report says http://ow.ly/Huenp


Gun related news is always tragic, and especially since the coworker was killed trying to disarm the shooter.
Theresa Reel said…
has to be a jolt to the system, to see this story set there ...

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