Do you know what's not fun?

Do you know what's not fun? When you go to bed at 10:30 or so expecting to be asleep within a half hour (I have to read before I turn off the light) and the drunk neighbor comes over because she's lonely.

Then she comes over again. And again and again. Now, before you ask: no, she is not attractive and no there's not enough alcohol in the world.

I've mostly ignored it letting my roommate handle her but a few times my roommate called out, "Jason I need help. She won't leave." So, at 2:00, 2:30, 2:45, 3:30 and four o'clock, I've had to get up and go out to the front porch and tell this woman to leave. She does and then she's right back.

Finally at 4:00 I called the police. They came and sent the woman home telling her it was 4am and too late/early for this behavior. It took about 20min after the police left for her to return and my roommate to step outside to have a cigarette.

Now it's 5am and I have, collectively, about 20 minutes of sleep under my belt.


How long does a "drunk"last? I would be asleep/passed out at that point and not bothering anybody.
Jason ON said…
Michael Dubnik​, I'm going to break the screen of my phone with all the "no" typing.

So, my roommate missed her big "up and comers" meeting at her company today. It was a chance for select individuals to come in and mingle with senior staff.

I finally nodded off at 5:45 or so. My alarm was set for an hour later. Guess who missed his alarm?

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