Stay classy, South Dakota.

Stay classy, South Dakota.

First - drinking at a kid's hockey game? Really? You can't go three friggin seconds without hooch in your face?

Second - they're kids for crying out loud! I know in South Dakota you're not used to seeing brown people outside of a television or photo, but still... keep your racism and intolerance to yourselves. Or, perhaps you should shout your racist diatribe at adults who can stand up for themselves. Any of you drunk hicks want to take a road trip to south Chicago, E. St. Louis or Compton? Yeah, I thought not.

Third - there's this fancy newfangled thing called the "interwebz" more commonly referred to as the internet, or web. It's very popular in the first world. Now, I know you're about as well provisioned as a third world nation, but some of you must have heard about the internet by now. The internet allows information to move at the speed of ISP. That means you're racist backasswards attitudes are on display for the entire world to see. 

How about in the future you keep your mouths shut and don't embarrass yourselves?


Wow... fucking kids. Are you kidding me?
Tracy Zamarias said…
Despicable behavior! Racism is deplorable, ignorant and repulsive!! To treat children that way is inexcusable and repugnant! 

This makes me absolutely outraged!!

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