Apparently I will never be able to see the Middle East, Egypt or a number of "Muslim" states without fear of being...

Apparently I will never be able to see the Middle East, Egypt or a number of "Muslim" states without fear of being sent to prison for nothing more than not believing fairy tales are facts.


Mone T. said…
What if you believe in God but not religion
Bryce Miller said…
Mone T. Then your god would be the wrong god. Their god says you are a heretic.
All these countries ( almost all Muslim countries including Saudi , Pakistan etc ) are apartheid states who refuse to give any rights to non-muslims.
Eric Swerdlin said…
Release the #28pages  the House of Saud (and the Wahabi clerics) are our enemies, make no mistake about that.
Terence Reale said…
Eric Swerdlin I agree, but add to the list all other zealots who hide behind any religion.
Eric Swerdlin said…
Terence Reale Agreed.
And another country I am not going.
Off the Bucket-List it goes right away.
Terence Reale said…
Joerg Wenzel Actually a shame, there are some amazingly beautiful places in that land..... sad it plain chock full of insane people.
Jason ON said…
Kind of like Texas.
Bryce Miller said…
Ayesha Khan that's racist. The Sauds passing evil laws is not because of thier race.
Peter Thomas said…
Ayesha Khan minorities in Pakistan are also living (or not living so well) in hell.Regularly raped, kidnapped ,killed or converted.
So how are Pakistanis different from Arabs in this matter.
Icky Patel said…
Arabs have oil but no brains, controlled by American or protected by American just puppets
Peter Thomas said…
Ayesha Khan subject matter of this post is about Muslim countries ,Arabs being prominent .
However no Muslim state out of 56 or so gives equal rights to non-muslims and are frankly dangerous to foreigners ; who are either killed ( for jihad ) or kidnapped for ransom .
Bryce Miller said…
Ayesha Khan Texans are stupid.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Let me c, pakistanis are idiots; u r overlords, the arabs, where u countrymen go to grovel at the feet and beg money are idiots, who is sane??? U follower of a pedophile who is living in west and bad mouthing it?
Dines Patak said…
Next  To Jews, We  Hate Palestinians The Most' - King Fahd

Simply put, the Saudi  Government was laundering money  through Florida charities  run by the University of South Florida - Tampa Professor Sami Al Arian for the support of  terrorist groups in the Middle East. Through the Al Arian network and others, the  Saudi Government secretly funded Al Qaida,  Hamas and Islamic J  ihad.
The Saudi  purpose was twofold:  the destruction of the State of Israel and the prevention! of the formation  of an independent Palestinian State. Two particular  terrorist groups, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, were specifically chosen and funded by  the Saudis for their willingness to undermine Arafat's Palestinian  Authority. The secret  Saudi goal was to create such animosity between Israel  and the  Palestinian Authority that it would wreck any chance for the creation  of an independent Palestinian State.
Their tactics  specifically called  for the intimidation or  murder of those Palestinians  who were willing to work with Israel for peace. To put it bluntly, the covert  Saudi network in Florida funded the murders of fellow Muslims for the crime of wanting  to create the first democratic  Arab State.
Whatever  harm the Israelis may have done, they  did build an excellent public education  system, including  several universities, for the benefit of their Palestinian neighbors. That was the problem:   While literacy in the Arab world is below 50%, in Israel  it is 97%.
Israel is the only place in  the Middle East where an Arab woman  can vote.
After 50 years, Israel has created the first Arab  class exposed to democracy, literacy and  western values.
To the Saudis,  a democratic Palestinian nation  would be a cancer in the Arab world, a destabilizing example  of freedom that would threaten Arab dictators everywhere. As King Fahd  said, "Next to the Jews, we hate the Palestinians the most." The harder  the Israelis and Palestinians worked for  peace, the more money King Fahd  poured into his murder for hire program.
The Saudi   Government has already begun its spin operations, claiming that this terror network was a rogue operation f inanced by a radical Saudi businessman  without the support or knowledge  of the Saudi Government.
The truth is that many of the Saudi princes,  notably Prince Bandahar and Prince Alwaheed, are good and loyal friends  of America who want to lead Saudi Arabia  into the modern world.  Unfortunately, they are now in the minority in their own country. King Fahd  is on his deathbed, and his nephew and heir apparent, Crown Prince  Abdullah depends  on the most radical southern and eastern clans for his  political base.
The southern  faction is the center of popular support  for Al Qaida and the Taliban, because it is  the home of the most  extreme Muslim sect, the Wahabbis. Ninety-nine  percent of the Muslim world rejects the Wahabbi religious tenets as utterly repugnant to the  teachings and examples of the Prophet as written down in the Hadith.  Since most Wahabbis are functionally illiterate,  they cannot read about  this conflict on their own.
Typically,  they memorize  a few passages of the Koran taken out of context, and never read the  accompanying Hadith for  explanation. For example, the Wahabbis  are taught by rote  that Jews are subhuman who should be killed as a religious  duty.   Illiteracy is a weapon of  oppression. The Saudis,  and their Wahabbis, the Taliban, have  decreed that women cannot work or even sit in the front seat of  a car.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Tell us why it is Israhell?? Do elaborate and educated us all?
Dines Patak said…
Racism and Slavery in mid east.

Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a leading  authority on Islam in Saudi Arabia, bluntly stated,  “Slavery is a part of Islam. Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is  Islam.” The  linkage between slavery, Jihad and Islam dates back to Mohammed whose  followers were compensated with human  property.

Saudi Arabia:
There is a  country in the Middle East where  10 percent of the population is denied equal rights because of their race,  where black men are not allowed to hold many government positions,  where black women are put on trial for witchcraft and where the custody  of children is granted to the parent with the most “racially superior”  bloodline.

This  Apartheid State  is so enormously powerful that it controls American foreign policy in  the Middle East even as its princes  and princesses  bring their  slaves to the  United Kingdom and  the United States.

That country is  Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia  abolished slavery in 1962  under pressure from President Kennedy, who accomplished what the Ottoman  Empire and  the League of Nations  had not been able to, but  that hasn’t stopped  its citizens from selling castrated slaves on  Facebook or  its princes  from beating their black slaves to death in posh London  hotels.

The Saudis  had clung to their racist privileges  longer than anyone else. When rumors reached Mecca that the  Ottoman Empire might be considering the abolition of  African slavery and equal rights for all, the chief of the  Ulema of Mecca issued a fatwa  declaring “the ban on slaves is contrary to Sharia (Islamic Law) with such proposals the Turks have become infidels and it is lawful to make their  children slaves.”

But Saudi Arabia’s  oil wealth eventually made  slavery economically unnecessary. Early on,  African slaves worked for foreign oil companies which paid their masters,  but they were a poor fit for the oil economy. The Kingdom no longer needed  agricultural slaves and pearl drivers; it needed trained technicians from  the West and international travel made it cheaper to import  Asian workers for household labor and construction than to maintain its old trade in  slaves.

The Saudis  replaced the 450,000 slaves of the 1950s  with 8.4 million guest workers. These  workers are often treated like slaves, but they are not property and are therefore  even more disposable than the slaves were. Exact numbers are hard to come by, but  Nepal alone reported 265 worker deaths in  Saudi Arabia in a single   year.

Human Rights Watch has described  conditions for foreign workers in Saudi Arabia as resembling   slavery.

Meanwhile the three  million Afro-Saudis are  denied equal rights, prevented from serving as judges,  security officials, diplomats, mayors and many other official positions.   Afro-Saudi women  are not allowed to appear on  camera.

“There is  not one single black school principal in Saudi Arabia,”  the Institute for Gulf Affairs,  a Saudi human rights group,  reported.

Kafa’ah, equality  in marriage, is used to establish that both sides are free from the “taint” of slave blood. The blood of  Takruni, West African slaves, or Mawalid, slaves who gained their freedom by  converting to Islam, is kept out of the Saudi master race through  genealogical records that can be presented at  need.

Challenges to the  Kafa’ah of a marriage occur  when tribal members uncover  African descent in the husband or  the wife after the marriage has already occurred. The racially inferior  party is ordered to present “proof of equality” in the form  of family trees  and witnesses. If the couple is judged unequal, the Saudi  Gazette reported, “Children’s  custody is usually given to the ‘racially  superior’ parent.”

Dines Patak said…
These Saudi efforts at preventing  their former slaves from intermarrying with them have only  accelerated their incestuous inbreeding. In parts of Saudi Arabia, the  percentage of marriages among blood  relatives can go as high as 70%.

Saudi Arabia  has the second highest rate of  birth defects in the world, but a Saudi Sheikh  blamed this phenomenon  on female drivers, even though women are not allowed to drive in  Saudi Arabia.

Equality has  always been a foreign concept to  the Saudis whose tribal castes determine the right to rule.   In Saudi Arabia everyone has their place, from  the Afro-Saudi, to the  non-Muslim guest worker to the Saudi woman.

On the road to Mecca,  a sign points one way for “Muslims” and another for “Non-Muslims.” Only  Muslims are allowed into the holy cities of Islam. A Christian truck driver from Sri Lanka who  wandered into Mecca was arrested and dispatched for trial to a Sharia  court of Islamic law.

Likewise, women  are barred from many jobs, kept from driving and even electronically tracked to prevent  them from leaving the country. Guest workers in Saudi Arabia  are treated as slaves, their identity papers held by their employers, preventing them from leaving  without permission.

The guest  workers however, if they survive  the witchcraft accusations and sexual assaults,  will escape back to  Ethiopia, Sri Lanka or the Philippines with a fraction of the money  that they were supposed to earn. The Afro-Saudis  however have nowhere to return to.  Saudi Arabia is the only home  they know.

The Arab  slave trade was longer, crueler and far more  enduring than anything Europeans and Americans  are familiar with and left behind large numbers of  Afro-Arabs across the Middle  East and Afro-Turks in Turkey. While African-Americans  are prominently represented in American life, Afro-Arabs and Afro-Turks  suffer from an inferior  status which keeps them away from political  power and out of  public view.

American  soldiers in Basra were surprised to discover large numbers of Afro-Iraqis. The hundreds of thousands  of Afro-Iraqis are a legacy of the Zanj slave rebellion  when 500,000 African  slaves rose against their Arab masters. The Afro-Iraqis are  free, but relentlessly discriminated against. In Gaza, 10,000 Afro-Arabs face daily  discrimination. But it  is the Afro-Saudis who  are the Middle East’s best kept secret.

Nawal Al-Hawsawi was dubbe d the Rosa Parks of Saudi Arabia when she took three women to court  who insultingly called her  “Abd” or slave. Nawal dropped the court case after she received an apology, but the taunt of “slave” is one  that Afro-Saudis have to live with daily  in Saudi Arabia.

“The monarchy’s religious tradition still views blacks  as slaves,” Ali Al-Ahmed, the Director of t he Institute for Gulf Affairs, wrote in Foreign Policy  Magazine.

The Institute  blames Deputy Saudi Foreign Minister Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah, the son of the Saudi king, for  being the architect of the Saudi apartheid state, but Saudi apartheid predates  any one man.

Saudi slavery was intertwined with Islam,  receiving sanction from the Koran and the Hadiths while relying on the Saudi  role as the guardians of Mecca and Medina to lure   African Muslims into slavery. African Muslims who made the pilgrimage to  Mecca were defrauded and forced to sell their children into slavery  to afford the return trip home. Slave traders lured African Muslims from  Sudan, Mali and Burkina Faso by promising to take them to the holy places of Islam  and teach them to read the Koran in Arabic.

In The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa, John  Alembillah Azumah writes that, “In pre-Islamic Arabia blacks were held in  high esteem and did marry Arab women the discrimination  on account of the colour of  their skin is a development within the  Islamic period.”

Dines Patak said…
Racism was a necessary  prerequisite to the expansion of Islam through Jihad. The land that is today known as  Saudi Arabia was at the center of those conquests,  growing rich in slaves and loot.  Today it is once again at the center of the new Jihad, its every atrocity  justified by its role in the holy wars of  Islam
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Bitch u r underestimating the hatred the world has for muzzies, especially paki whores like u.  U r braindead morons and headbanging idiots.  Go and be the wife #4 of a welfare jihadi and breed a dozen kids who blow themselves up.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Rich, talk of manners coming from mouth a whore who abuses the culture and land which gave asylum to her sry ass.  Go wash u r pussy whore.  Second customer, an old saudi sheikh might be coming.
Peter Thomas said…
Ayesha Khan​ I think by handmade dolls ,you mean idols .
Though I don't believe in any idol or non-idol .But
May I point to you that Allah also is an idol , worshipped by pagans as moon God .Mohammed could not invent a new God ( illiterate and low IQ) ,so he just stole pagans Allah.
+ayesha khan where is your mongol boyfriend .He is openly a muzzat now .He said you had an abortion after being abused by your father .
Peter Thomas said…
Ayesha Khan​ I have to say that I am impressed with you that you accept that ISIS and Boko are Arabs creations .Till now all I heard from Muslims' lies about them.
Dines Patak what happened to paki bitch .Gone to her Arab masters?
Dines Patak said…
Bharat Mahaan Looks like taking a break between customers.  Getting to the target to 20-30 per day as that is what be her requirement to satisfy at ISIS territory.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Get f0cked whore
Peter Thomas said…
Ayesha Khan ha! Was Mohammad a true Muslim by your definition?
Peter Thomas haha. See you got taken in by a muzzrats lying taqquia.
Dines Patak said…
Seriously this bloke peter has fallen for this paki whore.
Dines Patak said…
U know this paki bitch and her boyfriend go to diff forums posing as atheists and bad mouthing everyone??  Ulger is her pimp and she is his whore.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Because u r mo wrote the biggest incest story that is why.  Haven't u read??  Should i start posting?? Inbred incestuous muslims.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Bitch Hindus have been dragged through mud for past 2000 years.  They are not passing fatwas on anybody.  It is time muzzies are paraded naked through streets with whores like u in tow.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Bitch there are many cultures where all life is considered sacred, India is one of them.  U might observe ppl walking barefoot so ants do not die.  That said, let me bring u up to speed on u r whoring skills. As pakhtuns, u r considered fair game, both boys and girls to be raped, if not pussy then ass, it is called bacchebazi, done by u r uncles, brothers, fathers.  Tell us who did u??  It is a law in pottystan as well mid eastern shitlands that girl is ready to f0cked as soon as he menstruates or is of a certain age, whichever earlier.  Tell us what a spinster like u is doing??  It is allowed for a man to have upto 4 wives, concubines and slaves aside.  Woman does not have that privilege.  Tell us which numbered wife u r going to be.  Birth control is "haram" as are vaccinations.  So u r born to breed bitches, ridden bareback with multiple creampies to push out a dozen suicide bombers.  Tell us how many have u managed till now??  And if none, tell us bitch u still consider u r self a muzzie rat??
Ayesha khan .Muslims inbreed and have highest rate of birth defects .
Proved by science .
Ask your father whether he inbred you with his sister or his mother. And tell about your abortion which you had after your father abused you
Peter Thomas said…
Bharat Mahaan really ??
Highest birth defects in Muslims ?? Can you show link ?
Peter Thomas said…
Bharat Mahaan thanks .
This does prove Muslims inbreeding has serious consequences.
Ayesha Khan​ what do you think of these articles .
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Here is to all muslims

                   ,/¯  /
       ('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
         "...\.......... _.·´
Dines Patak said…
Bharat Mahaan U know why she posted 2 fingers, cause she always has 2 c0cks to bang her, one in pussy and one in ass, ha ha ha.  Bitch has become an ISIS whore.
Peter Thomas said…
Ayesha Khan​ would you please care to answer about mohammad and about inbreeding in Muslims .?
Or should I take your silence for admitting truth.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Really?? u want me to post pictures of Hezbollah and Al Nusra chopping each other's throats off and raping each other's women??   Do give us a chance to show u.  After all, there is a fatwa on Sex Jihad u whore.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Get f0cked bitch
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan ROFL bitch
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Illegitimate Whore
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Bizzare bitch whore
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan You cumbag
Peter Thomas said…
Ayesha Khan I am not sure if you are a Lady looking at your language .Your hate for other people speaks of your muslim origins .Most probably its a fake I'd.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Lesbian!
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Cumfarter
Ayesha khan , have your Arab masters given their paki bitch leave to day?
Dines Patak said…
No she still has to clean all her 3 orifices, then wash the pussies and asses of "Begums" in harems in preparation for next orgy as this is what kaneez and bandis and laundis do in Arab Harems.  She still has not reached the level of satisfying 30 jihadis a day in preparation for Sex Jihad or marriage to her brother "MahramHum".  Only after she is trained as to born to breed bitch, will arab overlords give her leave.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Go to Pakistan, where u r bacchebaz family is there bitch, u will soon find "Cocks" doing cooking.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan ROFL v have no pity for u, get f0cked.
Pakistan tops the list of most porn-searching countries and leads the way in porn searches for animals like pigs, donkeys, dogs, cats and snakes, according to the data released by Google.
Dines Patak said…
Post this on u r wall so v can all like it
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Whore u would have had more cocks if u were a pig, donkey, dog, or cat as that is en vogue.
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Get f0cked bitch
Dines Patak said…
Ayesha Khan Get f0cked
Kevan Hayes said…
Dines Patak​​, Ayesha Khan​​ Peter Thomas​​ Bharat Mahaan​​

Your comments are all atrocious; fighting like children. You four literally exemplify everything that is wrong with the world: petulant hate and fighting over nothing beyond your own egos and racism.

You make me embarrassed for the whole human species. Kindly leave and go learn some empathy, manners, and respect.

PS. Although perhaps you are all still young and your pathetic ignorance will wash away as you grow up. God, I hope so.

Sad world that we live in.
Dines Patak said…
Kevan Hayes What part did u find atrocious and hateful?  Do elaborate?
Kevan Hayes said…
LOL Is it that hard to see? Pretty much every one of the last 50 posts is filled with name calling, racial slurs, and anger.

If you fail to see that... Well, I guess that's why you'd be posting like that in the first place.
Kevan Hayes posting pictures of tomatoes is OK ; but there is a cruel world out there ,my friend .
Ask that to the yazidis , still being sold as sex slaves .
Dines Patak said…
Kevan Hayes So tell us how well versed u r in this subject matter preaching peace here??  R u at all familiar with the reasons on why this hate erupted?  Why slurs were used and will be used?? Who started it??
Kevan Hayes said…
"posting pictures of tomatoes is OK ; "

Ah, I'm delighted that you looked at my (Public) feed, although im not sure how that applies to this conversation. You seem to be using my (public only) posts to make inferences about me. Not sure if you get how privacy settings work. But maybe rethink this weak attempt to ignore the contents of my previous post by "discrediting" me.

"but there is a cruel world out there ,my friend ."

How is your interaction with the individuals listed above improving that? Have you considered that your contribution to this conversation may actually be making the world worse?

Protip: calling people names on the internet doesn't make the world better.
Dines Patak said…
Kevan Hayes But chopping each other's heads off, declaring fatwas on ppl and places far away, promoting and defending a stone age ideology and defending it, aggressively pushing propaganda supporting it does promote peace and make the world a better place?
Kevan Hayes thanks for quoting first 2 lines of my comment .
Look at the last sentence also.
" not sure if you know how privacy settings work " .
LOL is all I will say to that .
Public posts are put for public to look at , I also have many .They do give an indication about your tastes .
No attempt to discredit you at all ,sir .I actually liked your posts .I also put general posts for public view .

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