"We want to stay white,” Ancona said. “It's not a hateful thing to want to maintain white supremacy."

"We want to stay white,” Ancona said. “It's not a hateful thing to want to maintain white supremacy."

So, the KKK, after a century of blazing crosses, lynchings and beatings are claiming they're not a hate group? Membership has tripled since Obama took office, but they're not a hate group? Really? We're supposed to believe this?


G. Gibson said…
Christian?!?  I think not.  Try followers of the Anti-Christ.  Jeebus to them is a war god centurion.
Julie Hayward said…
The KKK still exists??!! Jeeze ... I thought that shit died out in the 90's. Wow.
Steve Johnson said…
A kinder, gentler, lynch mob.

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