The good news is law enforcement has figured out yet another way to circumvent the Constitution.

The good news is law enforcement has figured out yet another way to circumvent the Constitution.


I think we should all get a WHOLE bunch of aluminum foil and fashion it in the silhouette of a hand/middle finger and then put it on the wall closest to the street. It'll be the first thing they see and they won't soon forget it.
Also, if you want to thwart this, you can buy aluminum paint and paint your walls with it. Don't worry, you can then paint over it with another'll still work.
James Karaganis said…
Yes, but how long will that work?

Faraday or so.
Maria Delgado said…
I think it's time to insulate our homes with foil...
Don Johnson said…
Used to be lead n paint but it was so tasty they had to stop making it.

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