Just trolled some woman I went to high school with on Facebook.

Just trolled some woman I went to high school with on Facebook. She asked for people to pray for her brother, he needs heart surgery. I said, Sure, I'll pray to Satan for your brother. 

She became mad and told me to ignore her posts if I didn't have anything nice to say. Then she called me a child and intolerant of her beliefs.

Naturally, I offered my own rebuttal.

Then I noticed she'd deleted my comment on her post. So, I comment again that praying didn't solve anything. In fact, history is filled with prayer not solving anything, just ask the holocaust victims, sex slaves, and starving children across the globe.

She became even more mad. Told me to stop commenting on her posts to which I replied, she needed to stop asking for my prayers, then. Needless to say, we didn't resolve anything.


Rich LaDuca said…
Inspires the old 'You pray for me, I'll think for you' adage.
You could have added that her whole approach is a huge insult to the talented and educated people who would be doing the surgery.

What is she gets all kinds of people to pray to Jesus... and some of the surgeons are Buddhist, or Muslim or Atheists... Would Jesus kill her brother because folks who are not fans of Jesus are part of the effort to fix him up.

Maybe she will think of that if her brother fails to pull through... Her prayers would be responsible for killing her brother.

Oh what fun!!!
Jason ON said…
At one point she did tell me that he's under the care of a heart surgeon and related staff to which I replied she should be thanking science not asking for people to pray to an imaginary sky father.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, but I didn't care, Liz E​. Nearly everyone has a sick family member somewhere. You want to ask me to keep him/her in my thoughts, that's fine. You want to ask me to pray for him/her ... Well, fine, I'll pray to Lucifer for him or maybe to Tarzan. It will be just as productive as praying to the god of their choice. I'm not here to hold hands or worry about your feelings/her feelings or anyone else's emotional wellbeing. I'm definitely not here to make sure some mythical being's feeling don't get hurt.
Jason ON said…
Yes I did troll her. I'm getting tired of religious people - christians in particular - dictating how I'm supposed to act around them as not to offend their god's delicate sensibilities. So, if someone is going to push their religion in my face, then I'm perfectly happy to troll them back.
Rich LaDuca said…
There is a definite vested interest in training religious folks to keep that idiotic rhetoric to themselves.

What better way is there than to give them reason to think twice about if it is a good idea to make such spewage - If it is going to elicit ire?
Jason ON said…
That was my opinion, Rich LaDuca.
Jason ON said…
As a vet I'm offended, but as an atheist I'm laughing.

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