Is the Right turning on Palin? Are they finally seeing what the rest of us saw 6 years ago?

Is the Right turning on Palin? Are they finally seeing what the rest of us saw 6 years ago?


S rodden said…
And the real "war on women" Democratic Party step up to the plate !

Accusing political woman of catering to men calling them loony incapable of serving there country etc etc

I love it when democrats out there own hypocrisy of the real "war on women"

If you ever want to know what democrats are up too really look at what accusations they throw out at others ! Well done
Herb Wells said…
The Conservatives are not turning on Sarah, the RINOS are counting on her because she's turned on them. They're scared of her and people like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. John Boehner came with Anna angry mules kick of losing his seat this last time. The Republicans in name only have to turn on their conservative base to destroy it otherwise they'll lose their hold on power. They're learning from the Democrats. The Democrats ran out all the Blue Dog Democrats years ago. Guys like John F Kennedy would never be allowed in the Democratic Party today.
Jason ON said…
And Reagan or Nixon wouldn't make in the GOP today.
Avin R said…
S rodden​​​ this man is right. We need a hard working, smart woman, like Palin who quit her term in Alaska as governor, because of her incredible work ethic and dedication. Then went on to do the much needed work of reality TV shows. That's just the kind of person we need...
Rico Munoz said…
LMAO....!!! Cannibalism on The GOP... Lol. She is Idiot any way....!!!!
Robby Rash said…
This is awesome! More publicity from the liberal media! Ding bats!
Eddie Ordaz said…
Yea liberals are obsessed with Sarah Palin. Wackos!
D. Clark said…
She's 💩🙊been kicked off clown🎪bus with Mittens, Ricky P is next, pass the popcorn😎💨🍚
steven adams said…
Liberals are seriously obsesses with her.
Orygun wade said…
Sarah get your gun .
Jason ON said…
I beg to differ, Edward Willis.
Conservatives aren't turning their backs on Palin! I know I am one and proud of it!
The RINO's are because of the fact the Palin is Conservative first and Republican 3rd after the Tea Party!
She's an awesome lady and a class act!
gregory hunt said…
Little miss poopie pants!
Caedmon Walters said…
and don't "turn homo" because you think it's trendy or a sign of "scorned bitterness". enough with the clichés already!
Alfred TG said…
Jason ON JFK would never make it in the Dem party today.
Louis Doggett said…
Well she's a hard lined conservative so the leadership probably never liked her.
Joe Man said…
I live the way the media reports what they wish happened ... Not a shred of truth ...
This is brainwashing drama bull shit to control people's thoughts and beliefs.
" oh .. Well if nobody's liking Sarah .. Guess I won't either "....
Yup ... Any potential conservative candidate will get grilled and scorned by the media ... Banking on people being to lazy to read the content behind the headline... Because we are all slammed with so much information.
'The Media reports what they wish would happen' ...

And so do the dems in the legislature! But when there isn't a shred of truth, only the low information voter clings to wishes.
Claudia Legrand said…
We are obsessed with Sarah Palin for make us laugh , she is a real TV show for entertainment , that's it
Joe Man said…
True! Heidi Schabziger
Joe Man said…
Idalina Badiola... Who is "We" ?
Jim Fridas said…
S rodden the Democrats are supporting Sharia Law, that is the war on women
Jim Fridas said…
TheLance3185 sorry my  computer closed off for a second before I even got started,  I was going to say we can dream right!!  lol!!!
Harry Hayes said…
S rodden​ seek professional treatment for your delusions. I'm sure they're covered by the ACA.
Mega Thingz said…
Nobody cares. Take a fat bong rip.
Roger Tillman said…
What did "The Right" ever see in her in the first place!?
Larry Blaze B said…
SARAH...JUST..GO AWAY!!!!!!! Ur way way past ur shelf life
Larry Blaze B said…
Jim Fridas ur a jackass.....u cant point 2 anywhere the government of the U.S. is doing any such thing.....u silly!!!!
jcaesar2969 said…
So are they ready to apologize for ever suggesting the Wasilla Wacko should have been one heart beat away from the nukes? Till then we have nothing to talk about .
Harry Hayes said…
I wouldn't f**k her with John McCains dick.
Harry Hayes said…
Edward Willis​ I understand you are the first in your family born without a tail. Just because you're a son of a whorish cuntstack isn't an excuse for having the intellectual depth of a rain puddle you dog-faced spawn of a boil-ridden anus.
Harry Hayes said…
Thomas Franke​ when someone gets stupid with me I won't turn the other cheek. If you don't like what liberals say then find yourself a teatard thread, there you will find all kinds of nice polite people full of love and understanding with nary a harsh word.
Harry Hayes said…
Republitards are like warts on the penis that is the Internet. Useless eaters.
Richard Olson said…
As he says, mirroring about his daddys penis.
Herb Wells said…
Jason ON​ that's okay Jason beg all you like liberals usually do beg
Harry Hayes said…
Herb Wells​ is just another pathetic conservatard troll without a life, who has never had an original thought. He repeats expired fox news talking point cliches on liberal threads to people who don,t give a f**k what he has to say. The very definition of an ignorant, unemployed, uneducated, low information moron with the mental capacity of a menstrual chunk.
Richard Olson said…
Harry is mirroring again.?
Harry Hayes said…
Richard Olson​ You must be an experiment in Artificial Stupidity. I'll bet you couldn't count your balls and get the same answer twice.
Herb Wells said…
Harry Hayes first off f*** stick, I don't watch Fox News. I Drive a truck over the road, salt don't get to watch too much TV. But you liberals are always assuming things, and assumption is the mother of all fuckups! Secondly, if you didn't care what I had to say why did you respond? Because your a dumb fuck libtard
Harry Hayes said…
Herb Wells​ ahh.. I see, your opinions and fox news talking point cliches just coincidentally happen to be the exact same. It's a miracle. Libtard, did you come up with that all by your little self? Pretty clever for a conservatard republitard teatarded retardlican fucktard. Hey dick stain, how's it feel to know that in your entire life you will never be more than a sleazy festering pustule on the anus of humanity. Run along and lick your nasty disease ridden mothers FUPA boy.
Herb Wells said…
Harry Hayes that's a pretty long post for somebody like you the best part of which is a puddle of brown goo what your momma got f*** in the ass! And that part of you ran down her leg, and stained the sheets. I ought to know I'm your daddy bitch. I told your mama to have an abortion she didn't listen
Harry Hayes said…
Herb Wells​ I gotta horse with a bloody cock to take your daughters virginity on your nasty disease ridden dead mothers grave sphincter stain.
Herb Wells said…
Harry Hayes damn! That must have hit pretty close to home.
Harry Hayes said…
Did I hurt you feelings boy? How many times do I have to flush to get rid of you? Run along boy, you're out of your league.
Phillip Zachary said…
Alfred TG JFK is dead of course he wouldnt make it in the Dem party.
Herb Wells said…
Harry Hayes out of my league? I passed boy 37 years ago. Go back to your brother and have some more inbred sex. I will apologize for insinuating that I was your father. I have better taste than to touch a 10 dollar whore like your mother.
Herb Wells said…
Phillip Zachary and that is truly sad. JFK was a good man, even with all his faults. I think Reagan and JFK would make a good team today
Larry Blaze B said…
Would people pleaze stop referin 2 fox as a news network....i havent called them"fox news" in a loooooong time.....they r the propaganda wing 4 the gop n the teabaggerz
Herb Wells said…
Larry Blaze B I suppose you like MSLSD! Bought and paid for by the Socialist Government and all of their supporters like George Soros?! And remember true teabaggers watch MS LSD. Some of them even work there,like Anderson Cooper. He's a true Teabagger
Larry Blaze B said…
Oh plz....that socialozism crap is sooooooooo tired
Harry Hayes said…
Herb Wells​you're still a punk ass bitch. Without imported made-in-Gaywana latex Richard Simmons life-size dolls with silicon-filled gyrating cocks, you wouldn't have any sex life at all you pathetic a speck of unwashed cunt cheese.
Herb Wells said…
Harry Hayes if you could see my face right now you see the laughter from all your pathetic attempts to even come close to my level. Your mother should have chosen abortion
Larry Blaze B said…
Harry Hayes Unwashed cunt cheese ......i like that.....ahahahahaaaaaa.........
Joke's over Palin; go home to Wasila.
Clell Harmon said…
Robby Rash Yeah, especially those wacky liberals on Fox, eh, Robby?
Harry Hayes said…
Herb Wells​ you are an abortion. By the way, your wife sucked my dick real nice. Tell her next time she needs a real man instead of a pin dick teatard to give me a call. She has my number.
Clell Harmon said…
Philip E. Taylor And a quitter.  Never forget she's a quitter.  And you can count on her whenever her family gets into a drunken brawl...  You can count on her to ask  you if you know who she is.

So very classy.
Herb Wells said…
Clell Harmon while I do not agree with her leaving office early, the left wing extremist George Soros controlled media was so intent on destroying her that she could not do her job as governor, and deal with the pathetic pieces of trash that were shoving cameras in her face and asking stupid questions. She actually had a man move in next door and start taking pictures of her and her family, while he was running around town asking all sorts of invasive questions about her trying to write a nasty book about her life. Trying to execute the duties of Governor with all of that crap going on was difficult, and she felt what was best for the state and the people of Alaska was to step down. And the drunken brawl? Wasn't perfect, but remember it was another person who went after Bristol's sister, in Bristol went to defend her sister. Of course the George Soros controlled media put the worst spin on it possible.
Herb Wells said…
Harry Hayes a real man? You wouldn't even be fit to lick my wifes shoes. I heard your boyfriend turned you into the girlfriend because he couldn't find your dick and was tired of falling asleep during sex. You want to take this to the next level? Be my guest I'm a long haul over the road truck driver I can be in any city in any state anytime I want to be. You're the product of sex with a two bit whore. You would drop your trousers in front of my wife, and she would have a heart attack from laughing so hard.
Clell Harmon said…
Herb Wells Whine whine whine.  The woman quit the job she swore to the god she pretends to worship as soon as she realized she could make more money fleecing the morons in the Tea Party.
Clell Harmon said…
Jim Fridas And I thought you were being stupid in the Reagan thread Jim.  Democrats support Sharia?  Have you got any evidence for this bullshit claim?

No, of course you don't.  Tell us again about your gunshot wounds... are any of them in the head?  That would explain a lot.
Herb Wells said…
Clell Harmon that's just what I expect from a low information voter who watches MSLSD, and give money to a billionaire like george for us so that he can put more socialists like obama, and Nazi Pelosi in office so they can steal from poor people.
Harry Hayes said…
Herb Wells​ tell me, why is it you teatarded wingnuts always go to gay insults? What are you trying to hide fag boy? Come out of the closet douche nozzle, it's ok to be gay. By the way, you don't scare me pussy. Fucking truck driver, you're only about a step above a taxi cab driver. Tell your wife I said hi.
Clell Harmon said…
Herb Wells And that's just what I expected from a gutless lying teabagger who depends on Fox to tell him what he believes today.

Odd that you don't mind that you're a Koch-sucker.
Herb Wells said…
Clell Harmon you need to talk to Anderson Cooper about teabagging. And just for the record, I don't watch Fox News. I don't watch TV. A man over the road long haul truck driver. My cable isn't 3000 miles long. Unlike robots like you, I actually think for myself I don't need Obama to tell me what kind of toilet paper to use how to wipe my ass what kind of food to eat how many times to chew it or what to watch or listen to so consequently when I get into a battle of wits with a person like you, it's no fun because I'm always fighting an unarmed person.
Clell Harmon said…
Herb Wells And you lie about other things too.  We all know what a pathetic closet case you are Herb.
Herb Wells said…
Clell Harmon another dick sucker attempts to insult! Wow the pain,oh the pain of it all. Go suck Anderson Coopers dick
Harry Hayes said…
Hey folks, that dick weed Herb Wells​ one step above a taxi cab drivers talking point cliches just coincidentally happen to be the exact same as fox news. It's a miracle! It's hard for him to think with his mouth full of koch dick and his brain full of klan snot.
Clell Harmon said…
Herb Wells no matter how much you beg and flirt Herb, the answer is still no, Koch-Sucker.

You pathetic self hating closet cases are just sad.
Harry Hayes said…
Herb Wells​ has that horse with a bloody cock to take your daughters virginity on your nasty disease ridden mothers grave arrived yet?
Herb Wells said…
Clell Harmon give it up little boy the best part of you ran down the crack your mama's ass and turned into a brown puddle of goo on the bed when I fuckef her in the ass.
Herb Wells said…
Clell Harmon I'm sure that you and Harry Hayes will make a fine couple! You'll just have trouble figuring out which one will be the man for the day without a dildo strapped to you
Clell Harmon said…
Herb Wells Please Herb, you're embarrassing yourself with the way you carry on after being told no.

Such a little bitch.

It's time for another one of your choruses of 'Driving a truck with your high heels on', you sad little closet case.
Clell Harmon said…
Herb Wells It that how you spend your weekends Herb?  Or do they call you 'Peaches' at the truck stop?
Harry Hayes said…
Herb Wells​, there you go again fag boy. You just can't leave the gay references alone! You act like gay references would hurt somebody's feelings. It's doesn't hurt my feelings, I'm not gay. It's not going to hurt a gay persons feelings, they already know they're gay. So you need to come to terms with your homosexuality. Does your family know about your homosexuality fag boy?
Larry Blaze B said…
S rodden said…
Harry Hayes how's that tax increase going ! You know the one under the code name ACA ?nothing more than welfare for the poor.

Oh wait your BO illegally changed the law to move the due date for when the taxes for it become due.

Democrats are so giving and caring towards the poor as long as it's not their money right. But hey back to our girl Sarah carry on
Clell Harmon said…
S rodden And being a gutless lying teabagger, you prefer welfare for the rich... right?
S rodden said…
Clell Harmon not at all in fact I'm in favor of a flat tax for rich and poor.

However the so called fair party "democratic" is not because they really don't believe in fair taxes they believe in socialism and its unfair tax system.

I know this is going to be hard for you to understand but anyways our country needs wealth and a lot of wealthy people work and have worked hard for what they have. To be honest what money other people have is not any of your business.

Shocking but it's not wrong to be rich just ask any of the democratic members of the billionaires club right ?
Larry Blaze B said…
Nothin wrong with being rich...well off..or greedy.....selfish....i got a problem with that
Phillip Zachary said…
S rodden​ sure it wrong on being rich if you got rich by unethical means. Such as slave labor or not paying your fair share of taxes or exploiting people or children for profit. 
There are a lot of people you got rich under unethical means.
Clell Harmon said…
S rodden oh yes. Shipping US jobs overseas, paying for the advertising for unnecessary pipelines over primary aquafiers with the lie of jobs (all 30 of them), and managing overseas tax shelters is such hard work.

Your flat tax idea might work if the rich didn't demand (and get) priority in public services.

Your comment about billionaire Democrats might be on topic, if, as you assume, they were in favor of a flat tax.

The rich owe more to the nation because they get so much from it. The rich have opted out of military service for the most part, sending the sons and daughters of the poor and middle class to fight in the wars they support. If they aren't going to offer their blood, they can pay.
Larry Blaze B said…
Again more self deflection by a confederate s rodden
Harry Hayes said…
S rodden​, you forgot obamaphones while you were repeating expired fox news talking point cliches. I do find it curious that the only people who hate the ACA are Obama hating teatards. I've kept my same insurance and Dr and my premiums have gone down. Thank you President Obama.
S rodden said…
Harry Hayes wrong on both points Harry I don't watch fox and I'm not a tea party never have been.

If your health insurance has went down it must be an anomaly because insurance increases have been in some cases double digit.

Again the full impact of ACA has yet to be felt.

Harry Hayes said…
S rodden​, you could be right. I can't help but wonder if both parties would have worked together, maybe we could have had a better health program.
Claudia Legrand said…
God bless you , President Obama

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