Is the Right turning on Palin? Are they finally seeing what the rest of us saw 6 years ago?
Is the Right turning on Palin? Are they finally seeing what the rest of us saw 6 years ago?
Accusing political woman of catering to men calling them loony incapable of serving there country etc etc
I love it when democrats out there own hypocrisy of the real "war on women"
If you ever want to know what democrats are up too really look at what accusations they throw out at others ! Well done
The RINO's are because of the fact the Palin is Conservative first and Republican 3rd after the Tea Party!
She's an awesome lady and a class act!
This is brainwashing drama bull shit to control people's thoughts and beliefs.
" oh .. Well if nobody's liking Sarah .. Guess I won't either "....
Yup ... Any potential conservative candidate will get grilled and scorned by the media ... Banking on people being to lazy to read the content behind the headline... Because we are all slammed with so much information.
And so do the dems in the legislature! But when there isn't a shred of truth, only the low information voter clings to wishes.
So very classy.
No, of course you don't. Tell us again about your gunshot wounds... are any of them in the head? That would explain a lot.
Odd that you don't mind that you're a Koch-sucker.
You pathetic self hating closet cases are just sad.
Such a little bitch.
It's time for another one of your choruses of 'Driving a truck with your high heels on', you sad little closet case.
Oh wait your BO illegally changed the law to move the due date for when the taxes for it become due.
Democrats are so giving and caring towards the poor as long as it's not their money right. But hey back to our girl Sarah carry on
However the so called fair party "democratic" is not because they really don't believe in fair taxes they believe in socialism and its unfair tax system.
I know this is going to be hard for you to understand but anyways our country needs wealth and a lot of wealthy people work and have worked hard for what they have. To be honest what money other people have is not any of your business.
Shocking but it's not wrong to be rich just ask any of the democratic members of the billionaires club right ?
There are a lot of people you got rich under unethical means.
Your flat tax idea might work if the rich didn't demand (and get) priority in public services.
Your comment about billionaire Democrats might be on topic, if, as you assume, they were in favor of a flat tax.
The rich owe more to the nation because they get so much from it. The rich have opted out of military service for the most part, sending the sons and daughters of the poor and middle class to fight in the wars they support. If they aren't going to offer their blood, they can pay.
If your health insurance has went down it must be an anomaly because insurance increases have been in some cases double digit.
Again the full impact of ACA has yet to be felt.