Okay Google+, this is annoying.

Okay Google+, this is annoying. When you tell me there are 100 new posts and I click the little box to bring me those new posts, I don't want to see the same old posts at the top of my screen. I've been looking at the same two posts at the top of my screen for hours and it's somewhat annoying. I don't know why you do that, but stop. Just stop.


Adrian Parsons said…
I find it helps if you refresh the screen. You can also go through the options to turn off the "recommendations" and instead see the posts in "real time".
(Not really real time as it won't refresh on its own, but clicking the more posts or refresh button will then show you what ever happens to be newest.)
Jason ON said…
I think I have "recommended" turned off already. I'l have to double check, but it's tiresome to have to scroll down past dozens of posts to get to the new stuff all the time. I notice this only happens in my unfiltered Stream and not when I'm looking at individual circles, but still...!

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