Is this a good thing? So many people want #dogs shelters are expanding? Does that seem right?
Is this a good thing? So many people want #dogs shelters are expanding? Does that seem right?
Yay for the dogs that find homes, though.
Yay for the dogs that find homes, though.
Most people that mouth off on the subject don't.
I grew up with working dogs, in a family that had bred dogs and won competitions with them for generations and it doesn't take much to spot the self-professed, politically correct clowns that know nothing, while standing on a soap-box announcing it all.
Just another emotively involved bleeding heart doing more damage than good.
Amazing how far wrong you can go when you judge somebody from a collection of gtaphics and text on a screen, isn't it.My great grandfather and grandfather bred guard and security dogs, while my father bred eye dogs. They bred and trained the best, so they never lacked for good homes, that knew what they were looking for.
It's competitions that give breeders and trainers the reputations that bring the buyers, but keep talking so that people will understand that you speak from a point of ignorance.
But then, he hasn't been bought and taken home by some mental cripple looking for a bit of 'pat therapy', with no thought for the dog's requirements.
They come in all varieties:
The frightened ones that buy a Bull Mastif because they're frightened of the world, then the dog takes over as the head of the pack, and they haven't the faintest idea why.
The ones that buy a dog then force it to eat a strictly vegetarian diet.
The ones that are lonely and need something to sit in their lap and pat, the nearest thing they get to personal contact because they haven't got what it takes to go out and meet the world halfway. These quite often dress a dog up and treat it like a baby.
Those that buy a high energy working dog breed, like a border collie, then force it to live on a small terracehouse section or similar in a city, and never take it out to exercise it. I've seen dogs driven insane (literally) like this.
And any number of variations on the theme of ignorance. If there's a place for local authorities, it might be here in running familiarisation courses before anybody's allowed to even get a pet (except, perhaps for a goldfish), with a licence involved, and then advised as to what animal and breed would best suit their purposes, depending on what they're looking for and what their needs actually are.
That would cut down on 90% of homeless animals straight away.
And where did I say that?
As to the rest of your post, it has absolutely no relation to anything I have said anywhere.
It's as if you are having a conversation with a voice in your head.