Is the Linux desktop one giant failwhale or is the author just disgruntled?

Is the Linux desktop one giant failwhale or is the author just disgruntled?


David Crosswell said…
I don't understand the furore.
The Linux desktop is here and has been for some considerable time.
The recognition factor isn't, but that's something else again.
Part of the reason for that has been the accessibilty aspect in the installation procedure in the past, and the alienation aspect that has propagated, but that is resolved, for the most part, in many quarters, and the desktop recognition factor, along with any number of others, will be overcome over time.
Can we get a chart showing Windows, Chrome and Linux desktop share?
Emlyn O'Regan said…
Chrome OS, Android??

And hey, I use Linux on the Desktop (ubuntu ftw)
Those who want a Linux desktop have one. As far as tweaking goes, I didn't find I had to do much at all when I used Lubuntu to make a ten year old laptop perfectly functional.
David Crosswell said…
Stephen Dickson The International Space Station is all Linux. The entire Munich government, Spanish and Argentinian education systems, are Linux. The New York and London stock exchanges are all Linux. All drone software is Linux. Anything mission critical, all the way down to those traffic lights on your way home are not entrusted to Microsoft.
Charles Barouch said…
There was a time when words like "chat room" or "back up" or "reboot" were outside of the norm. A lot of highly technical things filter down when they become important enough.
The biggest reason, in my opinion, that command line hasn't filtered down is that it has no memory triggers. When I open a web page or run a GUI which does something, I get visual reminders of what I'm doing, I get prompts or wizards to guide me along. Command line is fast for the same reasons it is unfriendly: nothing between you and the command.
If people find a good enough reason, command line will be come more generally important. Meanwhile, non-tech people care that tech people can fix stuff. That's all the argument you need for command line.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
In creative industries, linux isn't on the desktop because adobe isn't on linux. I really wish they would make an effort! Surely they could be selling Adobe appliances with everything preinstalled and autoupdating, talking to their cloud backend stuff happily, all slick and zero hassle, if they had linux versions.

Maybe it's just the massive technical debt in their products? They worked with Google to get a streaming version of photoshop, surely they looked at getting something running in the browser, or something linux native, and ended up deciding the only way was to run a client farm in the cloud.
Charles Barouch said…
Except Linux is on the desktop. Mac is Linux, Android is Linux, Chrome is Linux... pretty much Windows vs. Distros.
Charles Barouch said…
Eric von Foerster point taken. OSX is from a different line in the Unix family tree. I'll amend to say Windows vs. the Children of Multix but it lacks the roll-off-the-tongue-idness of Windows vs. Distros
Tobias Harms said…
I would say that it is a bad article. The first half is only quotes with no real relation to linux.
For my own part, I have a dual boot computer. The windows partition is used mainly only for games that I can't get running in Wine.
I can't say that I have more problems in Ubuntu than I have in Windows. The oposite is probably true. Windows has a tendency to annoy me in a way that Ubuntu doesn't.
David Crosswell said…
Emlyn O'Regan There's nothing I can't do in free software, and far, far more, that is currently done with Photoshop. I wouldn't touch Adobe with a forty foot aluminium sterilised-tipped barge pole.

I've had their product offered to me on an extended 12 month trial plan for free. from their international marketing manager, and turned it down. 

The special effects for blockbusters such as 'Lord of the Rings' and 'Avatar' were done with some of the programmes mentioned above. Not Photoshop.
Tobias Harms said…
Well Scott Wilson​ that analogy would be correct if all other cars could fly.
Jason ON said…
But a Honda Civic can offroad and race at Indianapolis, just not very well.

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