Don't you just love it when the government wastes money, wastes money, wastes money at the same time children are...

Don't you just love it when the government wastes money, wastes money, wastes money at the same time children are starving and the elderly are eating dog food?

Originally shared by The Atlantic

A video investigation about the enormous cost of the F-35 fighter jet—and why the military project won't be stopped.


Jeff Chapman said…
I don't disagree completely with the concept of developing new aircraft and attempting to design them for multiple uses...where the govt. seems to fail time and time again is in managing these projects to ensure their success...this may be, in part, due to the new nature of war....there is no single enemy to plan for...and the battle and intelligence tactics require more people rather than aerial surveillance...
Jason ON said…
There's insuring success and then there's the military contracts and pressure put on by lobbyists.

If they couldn't have provided a working demo they shouldn't have received the contract. It's that simple.
Jeff Chapman said…
wouldn't have gotten to the moon with that the same time the companies trying to sell the product have enormous budgets these days.
Jason ON said…
The 1950s and 60s were a different time with a different corporate ethic. We would have gotten to the moon just fine. Now we have overpromises and routine failures to deliver. If they want to stay on budget that's fine, but going billions of dollars over budget because they can't make it work? If I remember correctly, the space race wasn't delayed decades because they failed to make a working product. Were there failures? Absolutely.But they succeeded in a reasonable time frame.
Jeff Chapman said…
They were also willing to risk lives to test ideas... We as a nation have no stomach for loss anymore... It's sad... As for the lobbyists, they are leeches but good luck getting politicians, who profit from them, to make them go away.
Alfa M said…
What a bunch of crap!  We are to feel sorry for your comments on starving children and elderly eating dog food, really?  Where are the parents?  Why are they not providing for their families?  Oh, because government spends all the monies on defense?  Just bull shit!  I see our biggest waste in the IRS, the Department of Education, DOD FRANK, an unregulated bill passed by the democRat party that is not over seen by congress, and I can go on, and on.  I am much happier and sleep easier with a strong defense and secure borders.  And as far as elderly eating dog food, really, have you priced a can of dog food lately!  I think not...Socialist, that's what I see here. yuck!

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