Xeno Phrenia likes to have the conversation her way, and when you disagree with her, instead of having civil...
Xeno Phrenia likes to have the conversation her way, and when you disagree with her, instead of having civil discourse she calles you names, tries to belittle you and threatens blockage.
For example, she post some link to this profile and calls the guy an asshole because she disagrees with his opinion. She doesn't ask him and she just wants to talk about him behind his back. She doesn't believe that because his opinion differs from hers that he is allowed to have it and share it and has reported him for his views. New paragraph.
Even though she shared his profile and talked disparagingly about him she will probably have a fit with me sharing her profile and talking disparagingly about her.
The other day she had a post make the what's hot stream and chose to shut down comments because she did not like the opinions that differed from her liberal views.
She's just as bad as the people from the other end of the political spectrum who like to censor opinions they do not agree with.
Please click through to her original post to see the discussion if she hasn't deleted it yet.
Originally shared by Xenophrenia
Now either this is a sick parody or some kind of joke - or an asshole of the highest order ... you decide
For example, she post some link to this profile and calls the guy an asshole because she disagrees with his opinion. She doesn't ask him and she just wants to talk about him behind his back. She doesn't believe that because his opinion differs from hers that he is allowed to have it and share it and has reported him for his views. New paragraph.
Even though she shared his profile and talked disparagingly about him she will probably have a fit with me sharing her profile and talking disparagingly about her.
The other day she had a post make the what's hot stream and chose to shut down comments because she did not like the opinions that differed from her liberal views.
She's just as bad as the people from the other end of the political spectrum who like to censor opinions they do not agree with.
Please click through to her original post to see the discussion if she hasn't deleted it yet.
Originally shared by Xenophrenia
Now either this is a sick parody or some kind of joke - or an asshole of the highest order ... you decide
Why am I more trouble, because I'm not a blind follower?
I haven't done anything here that you didn't already do on the post that I shared. The only difference is I'm not name calling and using profanity.
Apparently she's never heard the quote _ I may not like what you have to say but I will defend your right to say it_.
I judge a man by his behavior ... who's saying you have to pay for something? ... by your behavior so far - you fit right in with them - not as crude or asinine as most ... but lipstick on a pig and all that ... ;-) ... muting this now ... you seem to have a bone to pick with someone and it's not mine ... goodnight ...
Could it be... You were just acting like an asshole, were called out for it, and made a separate post to cry about it?
Just a hypothesis.
< ...Grrr fighting the Urge to make sexist-sounding comments concerning the angular torsion of your undergarments. >
How do you think I found this post?
I wanted to learn a fuller sense of who you were, and how you thought---outside of the distorting effects of a very trivial argument.
Instead of reading an indepth discussion of your views on innumerable subjects ---which is what I was looking for, To give you depth and substance---you are Still whining and pretending to be bullied.
Man Up!
You want to be respected as a MAN! Then ACT LIKE IT.
< ladies, you may wish to leave room ... >
Pull your panties out of your Mangina and stop acted like a whiny, friggin, victim. You have literally nothing to complain about.
Xeno gave you an excessive platform to whine whine whine... Do you really thinks thats manly?
Do you even know what real bullying is?
Do you even know what real assault is? Real degredation.
Acting like the worlds Biggest wimp on the internet isnt going to get my respect.
If you have still have two working balls, grab them, and be thankful you have them. Many men dont.
No go USE THEM! . Stop your goddammed cowardly, whining, and pretend Victimization;
And remember what values and beliefs are important to you:
That you would actually FIGHT FOR!
THEN go write something with actual Depth, Purpose; and Determination! Like A Man!
Then you may tag me so I bask in its masculine Heroic Glory.
No more Whining *
*"white-night" "called me names" Do I look like Mary friggin Poppins to you?
I am not your nurse maid !
I am not your school marm.
I am not going to change your diaper.
Be glad they called you names. GLAD! Be GLAD! THANK THEM.
Thats what happens to a weak man that lets others define him.
Its Your fault.
A real MAN understands that no one else can truly define him. You lack Pride in yourself as a Man. Xeno cant give that to you, and neither can I. But if you define yourself and act honorably toward that , you will be respected.
Look, maybe you are just a teenager or something, and I am being too hard on you. But you need to hear this from someone.
You cant whine like a crybaby with no cause, and Act so.... unmany and think that advances masculinity or causes of men.... Especially against women.
You think they respect that?
Women learn a Doctorate in cattiness in grade school, while you are learning little league. You cant compete with a woman, acting like One!
As long as you act self-castrated you are no good to any man. Rant Over!