More people need to start going to church so less people are 8n my way on Sundays.

More people need to start going to church so less people are 8n my way on Sundays. This is ridiculous! I just spent a half hour at the T-Mobile store for a 5 min question and now this?

Dammit people, religion needs to be good for something! Like getting out of my way on Sunday!


Ben Helstad said…
You only need to go to Utah and your wish will be granted... I promise.
John said…
"Get outta my way heathens, I need my burrito bowl!!"
Scott Loveless said…
As an ex-thumper, I've been on both sides of post church lunch rush.  Don't even think about getting between a Caddy-driving Baptist and his fast food.  Will flat run you down.
John said…
<<< raised Baptist, too.
Ben Helstad said…
Even though I'm against organized religion, I do think taking a day to slow down and smell the roses is a great thing you can do for your sanity. Take the day to contemplate, reset, and recharge. Like John Brewer said!
Michael Benton said…
I did my part Jason ON :-)
Jason ON said…
I go to the store. ;)
Theresa Reel said…
laughs!  Poor baby having to wait around on a Sunday. hahaha
Steve Ruge said…
I think the same thing! You have to be in and out before the mass church rush lets out at 12 noon.
Vesper Tanaka said…
You started a shit storm. Hahaha! But I feel the same way. Get the Hell out of my way!

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