So, that happened. How does that happen?

So, that happened. How does that happen?


John Perkins said…
o.O I can't help but wonder if this is a fabrication. the word choice seems too tailored to a highly christian audience to be a legitimate recording of a conversion experience.
Jaymeson Lane said…
God works in mysterious ways :) How many times have you read the Bible? When I want to defend against something, I study it exhaustively. "Know you enemy."-Sun Tzu
Lil Peck said…
Consider the source, lol.
Michael Beverly said…
This happens from time to time, the conversion experience is a highly emotional, nearly hypnotic mental state during some peoples switch from a life of unbelief in the supernatural to a life of belief in multi-dimensions.

The brain is a tricky computer because it is so influenced by bio-chemical reactions, often beneath our own consciousnesses.

I've had some amazing experiences with "Jesus" and "The Holy Spirit" and unless you've been there, you cannot imagine the power of these experiences, they are sometimes over whelming.

Add to that the desire to be unconditionally loved and accepted, it's a powerful draw, used successfully by so many cults.

I don't doubt the story or her sincerity, I've witnessed it before and talked to people out of many different lifestyles that came into belief in the Jesus and the mythology surrounding him.

Dave Blair said…
I find this difficult to believe. I've known a few conversions, and they were all highly emotional and visceral. I find this account creepy, it's as if she somehow fell in love with the pastor.
Heikki Leskinen said…
Here's an interesting (yet longish) interview about her conversion.  Interview with Rosaria Butterfield; January 11, 2013

Mike Doygun Or perhaps for frontal lobe epilepsy ;)
Dave Blair If she now believes that a true understanding (orthodox view) of scripture means that a person cannot be both gay and Christian, must she not also believe that the earth is 6000 old. A perfect example of destructive degenerative power of a religion.
Fran Alonso said…
Well, even when most cases may be fake pro-christian propaganda, there seems to be a few actual cases of real conversions.

As a mere hypothesis, and beside mental illness that could explain some cases, I think it is related with the foundations of their atheism: 

People that are first skeptical, and thus atheist, will rarely become believers because the inner reasons they have for being non-believers won't change easily. On the other hand, those that are atheist just because they parents were, or because they hate some religion, or something that way that are mostly founded on external influences, could be attracted by a sect more easily than the firsts.
Dave Blair said…
Heikki Leskinen I tried to watch that interview and got most of the way through, but I gave up. It bored me to death. It sounded like a carefully prepared script, utterly vacuous. I have heard conversion stories that were really convincing, but this definitely wasn't one of them. Here's a commentary I agree with (the author is being very charitable imo):
OJ Reeves said…
What a load of shit.

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