Missed the State of the Union because I totally spaced it and then took the dogs for a walk.

Missed the State of the Union because I totally spaced it and then took the dogs for a walk. Now I'm watching Marco Rubio disagree with the entire GOP platform.


Jason ON said…
Okay, now he's on talking points.
Ant J said…
Um maybe the replay via YouTube would be more interesting?
Jason ON said…
Possibly. My roommate's watching netflix r8ght now, sucking up the bandwidth.
Brenda Curtis said…
the tea party response is extra special.
Jason ON said…
Unfortunately I didn't hear that one either. Too much noise in the house.
Brenda Curtis said…
not really worth reading. I quit after the 'the national budget needs to be treated like a household budget" crap.
Ben Helstad said…
If it makes you feel better, I didn't get a chance to watch it either. 

Instead, I got to visit my wife's office!

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