I use the library nearly exclusively for books, movies and music.

I use the library nearly exclusively for books, movies and music. I love the library and consider them more culturally important than churches.

I'm not alone in that belief, but it astounds me that an author considers them a waste.

I will note: I am waiting for the day when the GOP goes on the offensive against libraries calling them "socialized literacy" or something else stupid.


Rugger Ducky said…
Libraries are like chapels to me as well. Good thing I married a librarian.
Rugger Ducky said…
Sounds like this guy is just a selfish douchebag.
Jason ON said…
He is. Did you see how the other writers called him out?
Rugger Ducky said…
Yeah, looking at the twitter backlash now.
Clint Udy said…
The love of money is the source of all evil. This guy is obviously the right hand of Satan.
I love to read, and would use libraries more often if I were home enough to return checked out materials on time.
While libraries are declining in many ways, lots of them are innovating and adapting.
Bryce Miller said…
I've always loved libraries. 
I've gone digital though.
Rugger Ducky said…
BRYCE MILLER you missed the last tweet in the article:

Library-denigrators, pay heed:suggesting that the Internet is a viable substitute for libraries is like saying porn could replace your wife.
Jason ON said…
Don't you dare speak ill of porn!
Rugger Ducky said…
Who is speaking ill of porn? My wife likes porn too, but it could never replace her.
Rugger Ducky said…
Porn isn't warm, and doesn't make me sammiches and bring me books,
Jason ON said…
True, Porn can't make a sammich. :P
Blake B said…
Save the libraries. It's bad enough the amount of people who are literate and choose not to read. Absolutely appalling in my opinion.
Steve Ruge said…
The libraries here in Commerce City are horrible. The one "downtown" is small and cramped for a city of our size and out here in the new part of Reunion they won't even build one - we get a bookmobile instead - which I guess is better than nothing. Meanwhile in Thornton they have a huge one with a cafe inside. We're all part of the same district too. We don't have a city library system - we're part of AnyThink/Rangeview Library District.
Jason ON said…
I have Denver. Anyone with a Colorado driver's license can get a Denver Library card. I know there's a Montbello office and a Lowry. Not sure how far those are from where you're at, or your daily routine. http://denverlibrary.org/locations
Steve Ruge said…
Interesting. I didn't think Denver would let me have one since I don't pay their taxes. I'll have to look into it. Thanks.
Jason ON said…
Denver's very open about it. Like I said, all you need is a Colorado license.
Clint Udy said…
I have Denver, Aurora, and Colorado Springs.
Jason ON said…
How'd you get all those? I tried getting Aurora and Arapahoe County but they wanted me to have a DL with an address in those places.
Clint Udy said…
I had an apt in lakewood, currently live in aurora, lived in Colorado Springs, and of course Denver allows for any coloradoan.
Clint Udy said…
Come to think of it, I may still have my Clark County NV one as well.

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